Page 7 of Christmas With Joy

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“What kind of dumbass wouldn’t want you?” His muttered growl makes me smile.

“There’s a helluva lot of them. But this one doesn’t even know I exist. He thinks I’m too young and only sees me as a little girl.” I hold my breath, knowing I’ve said way too much. Unless he’s an absolute idiot he’s gonna know I’m talking about him.

“Whoa!” I shriek and grab onto the seat as the truck swerves off the road and slams into park. “What are you doing, Jackson?”

He turns to face me and his big body moves closer to mine until I can feel that heat pouring off of him in waves, burning my icy body in the fire that I feel every time I’m near him.

His hands reach out and I shiver when he wraps one arm around my waist, practically picking me up and sitting me on his lap. My legs splay across his hips and I can feel his muscular thighs flex under my ass.

“Wh-what you are doing?” I breathe out, trying to pull my racing heart under control. I can’t breathe like this, can’t think. All I can do is feel his muscles shift under me, feel the thick hard rod of him under my pussy. Feel that tightening in my belly and the swift in-drawn breath that he gives. Feel his arms wrapped around me like a steel band.

He shifts under me and I feel that thick, hard rod flex again. I moan and bite my lip. His face moves closer to mine in the darkness of the truck. His minty breath puffs across my lips and I can’t stop a little groan.

“Do you want me, little Joy? Am I the guy that you want but shouldn’t?”

I shouldn’t answer him but his hand reaches up to cradle my cheek and he forces my eyes up to his.

“Tell me, Joy.”

And like I can’t resist him, I nod and answer. “Yeah. It’s always been you, Jackson. I wanted you from long before I should ever have wanted you. I wanted you before you belonged to Jessie. Way before you ever noticed me as anything but an annoying little tag-along.”

“I never thought of you like that.”

I grunt. “I don’t think that’s true, Jackson. I think I drove both you and my sister crazy.”

“I don’t have a sister, so I didn’t mind you tagging along.”

I scrunch up my face. “So you think of me as a little sister.”

“When I was sixteen and you were ten? Yeah, I thought of you as a little sister. Anything else would have felt wrong! But I don’t feel that way anymore.”

His heated gaze rakes down my body and I feel that twitch in his tight jeans again, almost tapping against my clit. My pussy clenches on nothing and I desperately want him right this second. Want him to fill me, take me, make me his.

“Ho-How do you feel, Jackson?” My breathy, husky voice almost pains me. I sound like an overheated sex bunny.

But it doesn’t seem to bother Jackson. His hand slides under my coat, under my sweater, until he’s touching my bare back. His warm hand curls around and yanks me to him until my breasts are pressed tightly to his wide, hard chest.

“I feel like I picked the wrong girl. That the right girl was in front of me the whole time and I should have waited for her to grow up, should have waited to make her mine. Because you are mine, Joy. As soon as I saw you I knew it. Felt it all the way down to my bones.”

“And you don’t think there’s anything wrong with that? You were my sister’s boyfriend. It feels like it should be wrong, like it’s forbidden somehow.” I shake my head, trying to clear that fog of lust that’s scrambling my words.

“The way I feel about you can’t possibly be wrong, little one. It feels so damn right. Feels like I was meant to be with you and Jessie was just a bad choice. Like she was the second stringer. You’re my first choice. You’ll always be my first choice.”

His hard, warm lips slam down on mine. I moan and move closer. I wish I could fucking climb inside of him. I feel too far away from him even pressed tight to every available inch of him.

His tongue glides along my bottom lip and then he nips and tugs at it. His hand moves to come around my belly and then up to cup my breast through my bra, flicking at my nipple until I’m grinding at him, lost in his touch.

“Oh my god! You feel so good!” I say, my breath puffing out in the cold air like little clouds. I feel on top of the world. Like kissing Jackson is what I was meant to do. What I was always meant to do.

“Baby, we need to get somewhere right now. Otherwise, I’m going to take you right here, right now and that’s not right for our first time. You deserve a helluva lot more than that.”

I shake my head, panting wildly, my skin prickling like I’m on fire. I need him right now.

“Please,” I whimper, grinding into him, feeling his hardness settling between my legs, teasing at my aching core. His mouth taunts me, gliding down my throat when I throw my head back. His teeth scrape my sensitive skin and I swear to god I almost come apart.

“Don’t beg, baby. It makes me want to shred you until you come apart in my arms and all over my dick.”

That has to be the best damn thing I’ve ever heard.

Tags: Tamrin Banks Romance