Page 4 of Christmas With Joy

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“Hey! You in there? I didn’t think that was a tough question!” He laughs and I giggle, hiding my face behind a glove. It’s either laugh or cry because I truly seem like an idiot right now!

“Ummm. Yeah, no. It’s not tough. I have to come home or mom will be all by herself since Jessie went to her boyfriend’s.”

I cover my face and huff out a breath. “Shit! I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned her. I’m sure it still hurts to hear people talk about her or whatever…” my voice trails off and I peek out at him.

His full lips are quirked up in a smile. “Yeah. I’m good, baby. Don’t even worry about it.” And he takes my hand and walks slowly up the drive to his mother’s house. I side-eye him, wondering why his lips are tilted in a soft smile.



I haven’t felt like this in a long time. But more than anything I’m so confused right now I can’t even think straight.

Joy. Little Joy. But not so little anymore. Her hazel eyes sparkle under the snow-white hat that’s covering her dark hair. I don’t know what happened while I was gone but she’s all grown up for sure.She’s barely legal, dumbass, I tell myself. It’s not gonna make any difference though. As soon as she turned and I saw those golden-brown eyes locked on mine, her soft, full pink lips smiling at me like she was happy to see me. I was a goner from that second on.

She’s a fantasy. A dream come true. My dream come true. That thought pulls me up short. The dream. Surely, I wasn’t thinking about Joy that way. She was a girl the last time I saw her. No way would I think of her like that.

But it’s eerie how much she’s like my dream woman. Big ass, big tits and a wide smile. Hazel green eyes that sparkle and dance in the barest of light from a house down the road. Damn, she’s fucking gorgeous! Why the hell did I date Jessie? Joy is worth a million plastic Jessies. She’s real. She’s the girl next door in the best possible way.

We reach my mom’s front porch and I wave a hand for her to precede me. Yeah, I’m no dummy. I want another look at that stellar ass of hers. Round, ripe and gorgeous. When she walks up the steps and I see her hips swing back and forth like a pendulum, it takes all the strength I have not to grab her and run off with her.

“Joy! And you found Jackson! Wonderful. Did you two have a nice walk?” My mom flutters around us like a butterfly dancing on flowers.

“Yes, ma’am. It’s so nice out tonight. I could have walked forever.” I steal a glance at Joy when she answers mom and her cheeks are flushed, pink lips smiling.

I smile and grab her coat to hang up. She’s not immune to me either. I lift her coat to my nose when I hang it up. Damn, it smells just like her. Something sweet and fruity with just a hint of spice. Just a little bite to it. Just like her.

By the time I turn around, Joy and mom are in the kitchen looking over a recipe, talking quietly.

For the next several hours, the house is full of the smell of fresh-baked cookie goodness and her sweet laugh coming from the kitchen that has my cock straining against my jeans. I know I should leave or go to bed or something. But I just can’t. Just the thought of being away from her has my body going through some kind of angry withdrawal.

I haven’t seen my mom so happy for ages and it makes me wish that I hadn’t avoided home for the last few years. I just couldn’t come back here when I knew I could run into Jessie.

I wait for the pain to hit me that’s been gnawing at my belly since I left for the military and she sent me that dear john letter when I’d only been gone for four weeks.

It’s not there though. I can’t even really remember what she looks like. I do know she’s nothing like Joy. Joy is sweet and soft and feels like coming home. Jessie was anger and annoyance. Fake eyelashes and nails and sharp edges.

I wish to god I hadn’t gotten involved with her. Wish I had saved myself for Joy. There’s been other women since Jessie and it all makes me feel dirty and used.

I see her in the kitchen, smiling and taking a big bite out of a sugar cookie that they have decorated with sanding sugar in red and green. Her full, dark pink lips close around the cookie and I feel that jerk in my body again. I feel like a dirty old man when she licks her lips with her pale pink tongue and gathers cookie crumbs, smiling and giggling.

Dammit! She’s like a fresh little forest sprite. All dewy pale skin, cinnamon freckles and sparkling hazel eyes with flecks of green and gold that light up when she’s happy. And she always seems happy and smiling. I wish to heaven it was my life’s work to keep her that way. Safe, happy and smiling.

She glances over at me like she knows I’m thinking about her and my breath stalls in my throat. There’s something hot and forbidden in her kaleidoscope eyes that makes my body thrum with desire.

She wants me. And I know I shouldn’t want her to. It’s gonna be a problem considering who her sister is. But I can’t stop myself from wanting her. From picturing her over top of me, grinding into me, riding me like I’m a fucking bronco.

Lord, that picture has me harder than fucking steel pipe. Her pretty face flushes pinker than an island sunrise and I want so bad to see how far that flush goes. To see if it matches her perfect diamond-point nipples that I can see pushing against the soft creamy yellow sweater she’s wearing.

I turn away and adjust myself subtly, hoping she doesn’t see what she does to me. I’m going to make sure she finds out. Don’t get me wrong. But maybe not in my mother’s house while she’s standing right next to her teasing her about college and guys.

Wait! What the hell?

“What college guys?” I growl and both of them jump. I guess they forgot I was still here since I didn’t say a word. Just watched my little Joy like she was the most fascinating thing I’ve ever seen. And she is.

“What college guys?” I growl again, stomping over to stand next to them. Joy throws her head back and I can see that soft pink flush climbing up her ivory cheeks again. It takes everything in me not to grab her, throw her over my shoulder and carry her off somewhere…anywhere where I can be alone with her. Rip that soft sweater off her curvy little body and find out if her smooth skin is as soft as it looks.

“Jackson! What the heck is wrong with you? Why are you biting Joy’s head off?” My mom eyes me critically, like she’s never seen me before. “I think you owe Joy an apology. I know these last few years have been hard on you because of…” she stops and gulps, then plunges ahead. “Well, what happened with her sister. But that doesn’t have anything to do with Joy. She was just a child!”

Tags: Tamrin Banks Romance