Page 15 of Christmas With Joy

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“Now, Jackson! Please now!” Harder, faster, wilder, I drive into her, the buzz building up into my spine and throughout my body until it feels like it splinters me from the inside out.

“Yes, Joy! Oh god, you feel so good. Wet, hot, tight. I don’t ever want to stop!”

But with one last thrust my pleasure overwhelms me and jets of my seed shoot out, cascading over her walls as she screams, her nails digging into my back. Fire flames up and burns my former life to ash as I lose myself in my one true love. Reborn in her love, her body and her joy.

And then I fall to the bed, my heart racing out of control, rolling so that I don’t crush her.

Gasping, she pushes her hair out of her eyes and smiles at me. “That was….”

“Amazing,” I groan, panting and closing my eyes.

“Yeah,” she says. “I never knew it could be like that.”

My lips curl. “It usually isn’t. But what we have is special, baby girl. It’s everything.”

Tears spring to her hazel eyes and she whimpers. “You always know the exact right things to say.”

I chuckle and tuck her under my chin. “Yeah. I’m not perfect. And I’m sure over the years I’m going to say some things that prove that fact with a vengeance. But I will always love you and support you in whatever you choose to do with your life. As long as I’m a part of it.”

She smiles and cuddles into my arms, her eyes closing sleepily. She yawns. And it’s about the cutest damn thing I’ve ever seen. She’s like a tiny little kitten curling up to fall asleep.

I run my hand up and down her back, love swelling up in my heart. Love for this tiny, fierce woman.

“I love you so much, Joy,” I whisper, my lips tracing the delicate shell of her ear.

“And I love you more, Jackson.” She smiles and then I see her slowly drift off in my arms.

“This is just the beginning, baby. You’re mine now and forever.”

“Absolutely. I’m yours and you’re mine. Forever and ever. Every christmas will be with you. Happy and smiling beside me.”

“Because I found my Christmas Joy. And it was right here with you the whole damn time.”


“Oh my god!” I squeal. “I can’t believe that you did this!”

I pat the chestnut mare and wrap my arms around her warm, furry neck.

Jackson laughs. “Why not? My girl says she wants a horse to ride with me? Why the hell would I say no.”

“But she must be so expensive.” I stare at her beautiful lines, running my hands down her flank and smiling when her skin twitches under my hands.

“She was. But she’s the best I could find. And my girl always get the best.”

I laugh and throw my arms around his neck. We moved to be closer to his best friend and his wife two years ago and never looked back. I haven’t had contact with my sister or mother since then and I don’t miss them. It was always the drama with them. And I hated it with a passion. I just wanted peace and love.

And I got it in spades with Jackson. He makes me smile every single day. Like this sweet girl as my Christmas gift.

I smile softly at him. I’ve got an even bigger Christmas gift for him. One that I don’t think he’ll ever see coming.

“Well, I’ll be able to ride her for a little bit. But at some point soon I might have to quit for a little while. Just to make sure that I stay healthy.”

His sapphire eyes narrow. “What do you mean? Are you sick? Did the doctor tell you something the other day and you haven’t told me yet.”

“I was looking for the right time.”

“Now. You’ll tell me now,” he growls. “If there’s something that you need to make you better we’ll find it. And if it doesn’t exist, I’ll find someone to make it happen. Because you’re not going anywhere. You made me a promise and you’re never leaving me.”

Tags: Tamrin Banks Romance