Page 17 of Chasing Hadley

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“I have no idea.” Blaise looks at me expectantly.

I flip him the middle finger. “Go screw yourself.”

Blaise chuckles. “We really need to start working on your nicknames for me, sweetheart.” He slants forward, resting his hands on his knees. “I get it. You’re shy and probably a little flustered. That’s understandable.” He winks. “We have that effect on people.”

When I give him a blank stare, his smile enlarges.

“All right, since I can tell you’re still a little reluctant, I’ll go first.” He presses his hand to his chest. “I’m Blaise. And this is my brother, Jaxon,” He gestures at the black-haired one with the crazy blue eyes.

Jaxon does nothing but keep his gaze fixed on me as he takes a swig of beer.

“He’s a man of few words,” Blaise explains, then motions at the oldest of the three, the one with all the tattoos and piercings. “And this is my other brother, Alex.”

“But since I’m the mechanic and the one you’re going to have to convince to fix your car, you should probably come up with a better name to call me, like maybe sexy beast or master—something along those lines.” Alex smirks amusedly. “Although, I think we already decided she isn’t enticing enough for me.”

I’ve grown quiet, stunned. Sure, I’ve had to deal with jerks before, but these three are beyond the realms of normal asshatery. In fact, they’re so asshole-ish, I think they need their very own dickhead term. Like dick-prick-dumb-stupid-asshole-shits!

I’m about to declare their nickname to the entire neighborhood when Bailey steps up beside me.

“We need to shut them the hell up,” she growls with her hands balled into fists.

She’s ready for a fight, and so am I, but not a physical one. No, as tough as I can be, I’m not stupid enough to believe Bailey and I can take these guys on. Plus, I don’t want her fighting.

I crack my knuckles against the sides of my legs. “Go get my toolbox. It’s in the living room beside my box of clothes.”


“Just do it.”

Grimacing, she strides off toward the front door of the house. Neither of the guys even glance at her, too fixated on trying to make me squirm under their mocking gazes.

Lifting my chin, I square my shoulders and march to my trunk. After securing my hair in a messy bun, I pull out a folded-up blanket, spread it out on the ground, and begin taking the carburetor’s pieces out.

“What’s she doing?” Alex asks, his tone laced with confusion, yet his eyes sparkle with mischief.

“I’m not sure.” Blaise eyes me over with a crinkle at his brows. “But she’s definitely trying to do something.”

“I think she’s going to try to put it back together,” Jaxon remarks, then takes another swig of beer.

While I’m betting he’s about my age and is drinking illegally, I’m not that surprised he’s doing it out in the open. Sadly, most everyone around here more than likely doesn’t care. It’s been the same way in a lot of neighborhoods we’ve lived in.

Once I get the pieces all set up, Bailey has returned with my tools. She doesn’t question what I’m doing, only grins as she puts two and two together.

Kneeling on the blanket, I pull out a set of screwdrivers, wrenches, and pliers. Then I get to work, moving as quickly as I can, but not so fast that I mess up. As the sun starts to rise higher over the hills, sweat begins to bead on my skin. Well, at least I try to blame the sweating on the heat. Really, it may have something to do with having an audience. A very freakin’ annoying audience.

They watch me the entire time I work, whispering amongst each other and occasionally talking loud enough for me to hear their insults. Doesn’t really matter. In the end, I have the final say after I get the carburetor put back together, attach it to the engine, and then reinstall the battery. Then, just for an added emphasis on how badass I am, I slide into the driver’s seat and twist the key. The engine grumbles to life, just like I knew it would—I never second-guess my work when it comes to cars.

Wiping my greasy hands on the side of my shorts, I turn the car off, hop out, and Bailey and I fist bump. Then I turn to the guys, cross my arms, and smile sweetly.

“Thanks for taking that apart for me. I’ve been meaning to see if I can break my record time of putting it back together.”

Blaise and Alex trade an indecipherable look, then Blaise faces me, his lips parting.

I hold up my hand. “Nope,sweetheart, you had your turn. Now it’s mine.” I step toward him. “I don’t know what sort of people you’re used to dealing with, but I’m not going to let you walk all over me or my sisters, so back the hell off, or you’re going to regret it.”

Blaise rises from his chair. “Is that a threat?”

“Yep. And here it is again, because you seem a little slow.” I step closer to the fence, so close I can see the muscles in Blaise’s jaw pulsating. “Stay away from me and my sisters, or you’re going to regret it.”

Tags: Jessica Sorensen Romance