Page 54 of All I Need

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I lifted my hand, and she inspected the ring, oohing and aahing and then offering us a bottle of champagne.

“We’d love the champagne, but can we take it home?” Noah asked with a gleam in his eyes.

“Of course, but why wait?” Sherry asked.

“Because we’re picking Quinn up after this, and she’ll want to celebrate with us,” Noah replied.

Sherry slapped her palm against her chest, her eyes going misty. “Oh, you are a good man.” She squeezed his shoulder and then gave us our privacy.

I kind of forgot we were in a restaurant when I leaned up and kissed Noah. When I drew away, he murmured, “We do have an audience, you know.”

My cheeks flushed. “I was already a scandal here. A kiss isn’t going to make it any worse than getting pregnant when I was in high school.”

He chuckled as I slipped off his lap and returned to my chair.

Later that night, we refused to let Quinn have any champagne. “Really?” she pressed.

“Yes,” Noah said firmly.

“Let me see your ring again, Mom.”

She sat at an angle across from me on the big sectional in the living room. The Christmas tree lights twinkled over by the bay window, and a fire flickered in the fireplace as I leaned over to show her the ring again.

She bit her lip, her gaze a little bashful when she looked up at us. “I love it.”

“Thanks for giving Noah your blessing,” I replied.

“Well,” she said when she leaned back and brushed her hair off her shoulders with a flourish. “It was necessary. Now, I have a show to watch. Can I go upstairs?”

“Off to your room,” I said, laughing when she leaped up from the couch.

Matilda followed her up the stairs. Noah had set up a TV for her in the guest room upstairs the last time we came here with her.

I leaned into his shoulder. “All that power is going to go to her head,” I teased.

I felt his shrug, and then he leaned over to dust a kiss across my lips. “So what? I love you, you know.”

I looked up at him, once again feeling the hot press of tears at the backs of my eyes. Apparently, having a man I loved ask me to marry him turned me into a water fountain.

“I love you too. Are you sure? I mean, I come with a teenage daughter included, and it’s not always easy.”

“I don’t care how complicated it gets sometimes.”

I fell asleep on Christmas Eve, thinking I couldn’t quite believe my luck. Waking up on Christmas Day, one year after our first week here together, was too good to be true. My old hometown, which I’d run from as though my very self was on fire, leaving my scandal in my wake, had become my favorite place to visit. We’d already made new memories. We had more to make this year.

I hurried down the stairs, my smile almost an ache of joy when I found Noah in the kitchen making coffee. “Merry Christmas,” he said as he turned.

Thank you for reading Noah & Sasha’s story - I hope you loved it!

Up next in the Haven’s Bay Holiday Series is All We Have.

Ian & Jane find themselves stuck together in Haven’s Bay when a winter storm blows in. Jane was the quiet, book-ish girl in high school. Ian was popular and paid so little attention to his little sister’s friend that he barely recognizes her.

Maybe he didn’t recognize Jane, but now Ian can’t keep his eyes off of her. Being trapped in the house with her only fans the flames of his desire.

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