Page 44 of All I Need

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I guessed Quinn was going to turn us down, but lately, she’d surprised me. “Can we watch that nature show, the one where they travel all over?” she prompted.

I nodded. Noah was crossing through the kitchen to open the refrigerator—because, yeah, we were at that stage. I turned away to turn on the television, swallowing through the emotion thickening in my throat. These were good tears, but I wasn’t in the mood to cry in front of Noah and Quinn because then I’d have to explain.

A few minutes later, the three of us and Matilda were on the couch. Matilda was happily curled up beside Quinn. She liked to stretch out between Quinn and the end of the couch, pressing her nose into the cushions.

Noah’s arm was curled around my shoulders, and a bowl of popcorn sat on the couch between him and Quinn. Everything felt just right, comfortable. I was almost afraid to think this could be more than this. Because what if that broke the spell?



“We really need to get some furniture here,” Sasha commented as she surveyed the only bedroom with a bed in it at my family’s home in Haven’s Bay.

I caught her hand in mine and reeled her to me, where I sat on the foot of the bed. I rested my hands on her hips and couldn’t resist letting one slide down over the sweet curve of her bottom. I gave it a squeeze and watched as pink crested on her cheeks.

“I think a bed is plenty. That’s all we need,” I said, endeavoring to keep a straight face.

Sasha bit her bottom lip as she stared at me, her eyes close to level with mine, where she stood caged between my knees. “I suppose. Good thing we have a couch and a TV too. But I’d like to bring Quinn up here. She’s asked to come, and we don’t have a bed for her.”

“Good point,” I said, lightly bumping my forehead against her breastbone. “Let’s bring her up soon, and she can pick out a bed for one of the bedrooms.”

“She’d love that.”

“How come you didn’t tell me she wanted to come?”

As much as I wanted a weekend with Sasha all to myself, Quinn was awesome to have around. It was important for me to spend time with her, and I knew it meant everything to Sasha.

“I told you now. She didn’t ask to come this weekend,” Sasha assured me. “She’s happy to spend the weekend with her aunt. She just said someday she’d like to come, and I don’t want to put her on an air mattress. I know she’d survive, but maybe you guys would eventually like to furnish this place.” Her voice lilted up at the end.

“Next time then,” I promised.

She sifted her fingers through my hair, sending a fiery sizzle down my spine. Her hand slid to curl around the back of my neck. She dipped her head, nipping lightly on the side of my neck before pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses along the underside of my jaw.

Lust rolled through me. I experienced a sweet, fiery shock of pleasure when her lips captured mine. I kept thinking I would get used to it, that my body’s unrestrained reaction to her would begin to temper like glass to withstand the heat. It wasn’t happening.

Our kiss went wild as I slid my hand down to cup her bottom and bring her flush against me. I could feel the tight peaks of her nipples pressing through her shirt. Needing air, I broke free, almost roughly, burying my forehead against her chest as I gulped in air.

“Fuck. You drive me crazy, Sasha.” My words were muffled against her.

Lifting my head, I found her gaze waiting. Her pupils were dilated, and her eyes dark with need. Her breath was coming in tattered gasps. I lifted my hand, trailing my knuckles lightly over the side of her neck, feeling the wild thrum of her pulse.

“Kiss me,” she ordered.

“My pleasure.” My words formed against her lips as I closed the incremental distance between us when I spoke.

Everything around us felt electrified, the very air itself heating as if our desire was fire and every touch oxygen to fan the flames.

Somehow, everything always felt rushed with her. My need was too great, and I couldn’t slow the rush of its force. Our clothes came off in a rush, left scattered on the floor at the foot of the bed. Just the week before, Sasha had pointed out she was on birth control. I knew for her it was a big deal to place her trust in me on that score, so it had taken some convincing from her that we could pass on continuing to use condoms.

I swallowed as I looked up at her when she straddled me. I felt the slick kiss of the very core of her. Then the slow, clenching slide when she sheathed me. I watched her, my own pleasure tightening at the base of my spine. Her cheeks were flushed, her skin dewy, and her soft plush curves pressed close to me. Every rock of her hips drove me closer and closer to release.

I clung to the frayed thread of my control, waiting until I felt her body begin to tremble. Reaching between us, I teased my fingers over her swollen, slippery clit. She cried out, her pussy clamping down around my cock. I finally let loose, my release slamming through me.

By the time I could breathe and my thoughts flickered back online, I felt as if I’d been cast ashore by a rough wave that left me disoriented. Pleasure echoed through me in lazy ripples.

Sasha’s head was tucked against my shoulder, and I sifted my fingers through her hair. My heart knew the truth. I loved her. The peace I felt whenever we were together like this was so profound I felt it to my bones.

I finally gave voice to those feelings. “I love you.”

Tags: J.H. Croix Romance