Page 5 of Primal Vengeance

“I’m beginnin’ to think you’re incapable of accepting anyone’s help,” Moses muttered.

“What the hell do I need help with?’

“I got a list as long as my dick,” Moses said. “For one, the transmission is slippin’ on your bike. I’ve got Ratchet looking at it in the shop right now because I didn’t want you gettin’ killed outside on the road. I also rode it home because I didn’t want you getting on it blind fuckin’ drunk.”

“Thanks,Dad,now you’re gonna tell me how much I can drink?” I snapped, taking a step toward him, my boot catching the corner of the island, and I went down… hard.

“Fuckin’ hell,” Moses hissed. “Needles!”

“I’m fine,” I grumbled, pulling myself up as Moses pressed a towel against my head.

“Don’t move, you’re gettin’ blood everywhere.”

“What the fuck happened?” Rocky demanded just as Needles, our resident witch doctor, walked in behind him.

“Sit down,” he demanded, and Rocky slid a stool over to me. Needles sat me on it and pulled the towel away from my head with a sigh. “You gashed the fuck outta your head. Gonna need to stitch that. Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

“What the hell happened?” Rocky demanded again, setting his laptop down.

“Tripped on the island,” Moses said, holding the towel back to my head. “Because he’s a dumbass.”

He wasn’t wrong, but I wasn’t about to agree with him out loud. I blinked a few times, the blood dripping into my contact. I thumbed it out, flicking it into the trash can next to me. Jesus, at the rate I was currently going through them, I was gonna have to make another eye appointment sooner than later.

“You find your bike?” Rocky asked.

“Ratchet’s fixin’ the transmission,” Moses answered for me. “And Scooby was about to hug me because he was so grateful, but he tripped. Poor guy.”

I snorted but decided it would be better to keep my mouth shut at this juncture. I was already bleeding and didn’t need to push my luck. Needles returned, washing his hands then donning gloves before filling a syringe with lidocaine.

“Give me the flash drive while Needles deals with your head,” Rocky said.

I handed him the drive and Needles numbed the area around my wound above my eye before starting the sutures.

“Jesus,” Rocky hissed.

“What?” I asked.

Rocky stepped away from the laptop and I was suddenly transfixed by the unbelievably beautiful woman on the screen. I could only see clearly out of one eye, but what I could see was enough.

Fuck me. I felt like I’d been gut punched.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

“That’s your mark,” Rocky said.

“What the fuck?” Moses hissed.

Rocky gave him a quick rundown of the guy who’d hired me to kill her and the two of them went through the file while Needles continued to tend to my wound.

“Please stay still,” Needles said in his best doctor tone.

“I’m good,” I growled.

“Just two more stitches to go, brother.”

“Then stop talking and hurry the fuck up,” I ordered.

“Stop fucking moving and then I can finish,” he growled back losing all doctorly tact.

Tags: Piper Davenport Romance