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Desperate, I rock against him, fisting his hair as I hold on for the ride. Slurping and moaning against me, he pushes me to the edge and over. Shattering, I break apart with his name on my lips, and a new kind of love forms in my heart.

Residual tremors run through me as he pumps a long, thick finger inside me, extending my pleasure. He adds a second, and the wet sounds of him working my body fill the room.

“I need you to be ready to take me, baby.”

“I am.” I moan, tilting my hips to receive him even deeper.

“Not yet.” He curls his fingers, pressing into the front of my walls, and I jerk against him.

“Oh. E. I’m going to.” He removes his fingers, and I scream.

“Not yet. Next time you come, it will be on my dick.” He adds a third finger, and I feel the pinch and burn as I adjust.

“Can I come inside you like this, Dec? I know you still have your IUD. I’m clean.”

“Please,” I beg. “I’ve never had a man without a condom before. It feels right that my first time be with you.”

“I want to feel you with nothing between us,” he growls.

He pulls out his fingers, and I flex, moaning the loss of fullness. He pumps his length and moves between my legs, coating himself in my sticky heat as he taps my clit with his tip.

“Emanuele,” I whine.

“I love it when you say my name, baby. Open up and let me in.” I spread my legs, and he lines his dripping head to my core. He pushes inside, stretching me deliciously. I flex, tightening around him.

“So tight.” He grunts, pushing in and obliterating my tentative hold on control. More than remolding my walls, he’s reshaping my heart and soul as he joins us. He sinks to the hilt.

“Okay?” He rasps, kissing me.

“Yes.” I hiss. “So full.” I contract, and he groans.

Pulling out, he drives back in, giving me every inch. Our eyes lock as we move together, and he opens me up in new ways. I dig my nails into his skin and hook my ankles together to get him deeper.

We crest the wave together, and he coats my insides with his heat. A feeling of wholeness flowing through me.How can I ever let this go?Brain full, I cling to the blissful afterglow and the scent of his skin mingling with mine. Trapped beneath his body, I’m in heaven. I never want to leave.

Home. I have to find a way to tell him, even if it means I might lose him. I just have to keep it together long enough to finish what I started.



I walk through the building, clutching the lop-sided creation as I send up a prayer it’ll hold together. This is my soul on a tray for her to accept or reject. There’ll be no more interruptions or dodging uncomfortable questions.

Dec and I have become ships passing each other in a night as work picked up for us both, and she focused on her event. I’ve let it slide. I would never distract her from something this important to her, but that time has ended.

Photos have been taken, people have been schmoozed, and the winners were just announced. I want to see her moment of triumph before I turn her attention to us. I stand back on the crowd's edge as she takes the microphone.

“Without each of you, this event wouldn’t have been a success. I want to thank the creators, attendees, and businesses who provided incredible raffle prizes. You all took a chance on a new event here in Noel, Colorado. Because you embraced it fully and expressed so much interest, I can safely say we will continue this next year.” Applauses rend the air, and she grins as she lowers the mic, waiting for them to quiet.

“We have some delicious snacks provided by our local bakery, drinks, and crafts until nine tonight. How about another round of applause for this year’s winners?” Clapping breaks out with whistles and shouts. “Enjoy the rest of the evening. We’ll see you next year.”

I slowly make my way toward her, allowing her time to chat, schmooze, and accept praise. My nerves fray.

“Oh, we should give E a turn,” Nora says, clearing a path.

Her gaze focuses on me, and I see fear flicker across her face. “Oh, it’s okay. We can talk later.”

“No.” I move forward until I stand directly in front of her. “No more avoidance.”

Tags: Shyla Colt Romance