Page 9 of Unstoppable

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"I'm sorry to wake you, but I understand you are here for Mr. Christenson," she said with a sweet smile.

"Yes, I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean..."

"No worries, dear, it's fine. I have always enjoyed this waiting room. It's so cozy."

As Andie looked into her eyes, it shocked her to see the same vibrant green that her giant had. The resemblance was uncanny. She looked at the woman with confusion, Andie couldn't figure out why she was being so kind. Especially considering she was napping in the lobby of this business. If this is what pregnancy was like, then she had a long few months ahead of her. Her stomach was churning and Andie wondered if it had been a bad idea to stop for a bagel sandwich on her way there.

"Yes, um. I didn't mean to come without an appointment, I know how unprofessional that is and I apologize for that. I am just a friend and I needed to see if I could talk to..."

And that was as much as she got out before she lost her breakfast at the poor woman's feet, promptly realizing her breakfast choice was most definitely an awful idea.

Chapter Eight

Hangingoveratoiletin some random high rise with a kind old woman holding her hair back was not how Andie expected to spend her morning. Although, nothing that had happened that day was what she had expected.

"It's okay hon, just take some deep breaths," the woman said while rubbing her back.

This lady, who Andie had nearly thrown up on, was a dream. She still didn't know her name, but she had kind eyes and a motherly touch. If she wasn't so sick, she could have kissed her for her kindness.

"So how far along are you?"

Shocked, Andie nearly yelled, "What?!!"

"I have birthed myself a few young ones and I know the signs. Sleeping in public, losing your breakfast. It's all normal," she said with a laugh and a wink that was oddly familiar.

"About ten weeks."

"Well, congratulations on your little miracle. Let's get you cleaned up. Mr. Christenson should be free soon, and I should be able to squeeze you in. Normally, I would say no, but I have a good feeling about you. Whatever you and your husband need help with, I'm sure Mr. Christenson is your man."

Andie couldn't tell what was worse, her upset stomach or upsetting this sweet woman when she learned she was about to ruin Mr. Christenson's life. She pulled herself up off the ground, straightened her clothes and headed to the sink to clean up.

The next twenty minutes were surreal. Her savior officially introduced herself as Lorna and disappeared up an elevator after settling Andie into a small office. Moments later she exited the same elevator, speaking excitedly to none other than the green-eyed giant. As soon as she saw him, Andie panicked. She didn't think this through, she just knew she had to get there, but now she had absolutely no idea what to say. Faced with the reality that time wasn't on her side, she took a deep breath and decided this was her first task as a mother. She needed to suck it up and be an adult. She could think on her feet if she needed to.

Andie watched as he walked with confidence towards the lobby. His stride so long that Lorna needed to speed walk to keep up with him. Then the strangest thing happened. Lorna stopped him and turned to straighten his tie, then she brushed a piece of lint off his jacket. In that same moment he turned and saw her, his lips parted and he lost all the color in his face. Suddenly it hit her and she knew exactly what she would say. This was her child; she was telling him as a courtesy and have a nice life. No man who looked at her like that through a glass wall could be the man she wanted as the father of her child. He didn't even know why she was there, and just the look of her made him sick. Immediately she regretted all the time she spent pining over this man who she meant nothing to. She felt like a complete fool.

He walked in with a scowl on his face, leaving Lorna just outside the door.

"You're pregnant," he said as soon as they had some privacy.

Well, this would be easier than she thought.


"You're here because it's mine."


"Come with me," he said, grabbing her wrist and ushering her through the glass doors he had just entered.

Lorna came to attention, "Sir, where are you going?"

"Up to my office. And cut the sir crap, Mom, I already told you that," he snapped.

Andie's mind was racing. Mom? What the hell was happening to her. She had to be in some alternate universe. Her miracle worker was his mother. And now she was being dragged up to his office. What was she sitting in if it wasn't his office? Too fast for Lorna to catch up, he sped off to the elevator and punched in some long code, held his thumb up to a fingerprint device and the elevator whirled to life

"Where are we going?"

"Not now," he snapped.

Tags: Nikki Rome Romance