Page 4 of Unstoppable

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Why in the world was Mr. Mike looking for her? Lost in thought, she dug through her purse to make sure she had her metro card handy. The station was close, but the long walk back to her apartment was something she was dreading. Trying not to think about Mr. Mike and focusing on the contents of her purse, she nearly had a heart attack when she heard his voice as she stepped outside.

"Looking for something?"

Her purse dropped out of her hands and she reached for her chest, trying to calm her racing heart.

He stepped forward to help, "Hey, it's just me, no need to be so jumpy. We met earlier tonight. Remember? You were with General Montgomery," he continued as he scooped down to pick up her purse and its contents.

"Right, sorry about that. You don't look the same when you're not in a suit," she said, looking down at him in confusion.

"Thank god for that," he laughed.

"What are you doing here?" Andie asked because it seemed strange that he was just leaning against his parked sports car in a no-parking zone. His ridiculously beautiful black sports car, she thought.

"I was waiting for someone."

"Oh, sorry... um... have a good night, Mr. Mike."

Embarrassed as hell, she turned to run, but he grabbed her wrist. The touch made her skin burn with excitement.

"I was waiting for you."

This was getting weird, Andie thought.

"Did you forget something inside? My boss is still there, I'm sure she would be happy to help."

"No, I didn't forget anything, I was just curious about you. After we met, you seemed to disappear. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

She looked behind him into the car, looking for his wife.

"Are you looking for something?"

"Mr. Mike..."

"Mike, just Mike."

"Riggghhhtt, Mike. You realize this is weird, right? Where is your wife?"

Mike's shoulders slumped when he realized he was ruining this. He should have just waited to bounce this entire thing off Jason in the morning. There was something about her that made him look and act like an idiot. He couldn't even think straight. What a creeper he must seem like, waiting for her outside her work. Then he realized she just asked about his wife.

"Did you ask where my wife was?"

"Yes, the woman you were with. Your wife?" she said with an annoyed look on her face.

Laughing he said, "Let's be clear on one thing... well, maybe two. First, that woman was not my wife, she's a client. And second, I may come off like a stalker, but I'm not. I work at a security firm. When people disappear without explanation, I tend to be curious. It's in my nature."

He smiled, pleased with his explanation.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to jump to conclusions. Thanks for checking back with me. I am fine as you can see, I was just busy in the kitchen."

"Do you need a ride?"

She looked at him and said, "My mom taught me never to get into cars with strangers."

"Well, I have to respect some expert mom advice. However, I would think your mom would prefer you getting a ride home rather than taking the train at two in the morning," he said pointing at her metro card.

"Mr., I mean, Mike. I appreciate the offer, but no. The station is right here, and I'm used to taking the train. Thanks."

She turned to walk away, but he reached to grab her wrist again.

Tags: Nikki Rome Romance