Page 3 of Unstoppable

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By the time he worked his way through the room and made it back to sit down, he realized he had had enough. It looked like his client was finishing the last signature on the paperwork. "If there aren't any further questions, I will head out. I have your file pre-assigned to Mac and he will reach out in the morning."

"Oh, but do you have to go? The night was just getting started," she said seductively, while leaning in to whisper in his ear. It made his skin crawl. Mike tried not to judge people, but this woman's husband just passed away and she was hanging all over him. Even if his mind wasn't consumed with the enigma of a woman named Andie, he wouldn't be interested.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I have a busy morning and I do my best not to get involved with clients."

There was that pout again. That was it, he's done. Standing to go, he grabbed his cell and called Jason. The same guy that rarely answered a call from anyone but him.

"This better be important," he heard as Jason groggily answered the phone.

"Bro, are you asleep this early?"

"Didn't anyone ever tell you babies never sleep? I'm dying over here, cut me some slack."

"Listen, I won't keep you long. I just want it to be clear, I hate this shit. I'm in a suit yet again, with another client who wants to grab my dick and I'm over it."

Laughing, Jason said, "Okay, I get it. I'll stop in tomorrow and we will look at next month's schedule."

"I fly out in the morning."

"Shit, that's right! Okay, I'll get there early, I promise, man. We'll work something out."

"That's all I needed to hear. Now go to sleep before your kid wakes up again."

"Good point, any idea when babies sleep through the night?"

"How the hell would I know? Ask Google."

And with that, Mike hung up the phone.

An hour later he sat in front of the computer at his office. It was time to find himself Andie the banquet server. He rarely used company property for personal reasons, but tonight he wasn't feeling too bad about it. He began his search with the little information he had. Mike had worked with less, but more information would have come in handy. He kept thinking maybe that Diane chick was the key.

Twenty minutes later he had what he needed. He found Andie's full name, address, phone number, and last known place of work. The only problem was after that, he hit a dead end. The company listed was out of business. She had an online profile with the bare minimum, and her last post was three months ago. However, with that cell number he could track her down. It may break a few laws, but he couldn't let his little angel get away.

His little angel. It sounded strange even in his thoughts. What was wrong with him? He already had a nickname for the girl, and he had no plan in place to find her. What was he going to do? Track her down and pop out of a bush? He was losing it. Shaking his head, he decided he needed to go to bed and figure this out in the morning. Maybe Jason would have some ideas. Or maybe, just maybe, he could head back to the hotel the fundraiser was at, and see if he could catch her getting off work. Yep. That sounded like a much better idea, he thought.

He ran upstairs to his apartment and threw on a pair of jeans and a black V-neck tee. Once he had his boots laced up, he took the elevator down to the underground garage that housed his babies. Who needed kids when you had cars? When Calvano Security took off, he and Jason purchased a high-rise building in Hell's Kitchen. It was ridiculously expensive, but they figured it was a smart investment even if the firm didn't make it long term. The building had a few luxuries. Jason had the penthouse and Mike's apartment was just as large since it took up the entire tenth floor.

Below his apartment were additional apartments for their employees, a gym, theater, and then the offices of Calvano Security. They had designed the offices to look like apartments themselves. From any random hallway in the building, you would never know there were hundreds of security agents working behind the false door fronts. The creativity of the setup was his idea, and to this day it was something he was proud of. Calvano Security was a tight-knit family of unstoppable agents working together daily. He and Jason were both proud of what they had accomplished.

Once he hit the garage, he jumped into a sleek black on black sports car as this was a situation that called for some speed. If he had his timing right, the fundraiser had ended about fifteen minutes ago, which meant she could leave at any moment. He stepped on the gas and headed back in the direction he left earlier that night.

Chapter Three

Andiewasbeat.Afterher run in with the green-eyed giant she hid out in the kitchen the rest of the night helping Diane. One benefit of seasonal employment was that she didn't have to wake up early in the morning if she didn't have a job lined up, and luckily tomorrow she didn't.

"Thanks again, Diane, for offering me the hours. This was an awesome night. If you need anything in the future, call me. I always enjoy working for you."

"Of course, hun! And hey, I don't mean to pry, but what's the deal with your ex? When we tried to make him leave out the back, he said he was a guest. I was a bit embarrassed to see that was the case. Not that I minded any, because chatting it up with a man that gorgeous was a treat either way," she winked.

Gorgeous didn't sound right. Her ex was cute in an unemployed guitar player kind of way, but not gorgeous. She knew the men Diane thought were handsome and her ex was not one of those men.

"Diane, what exactly did he look like?"

"Oh, you know, super tall, dark brown, maybe black hair and the most mesmerizing green eyes. That suit fit him in all the right places. I mean, I love a three-piece suit on most men, but my, my, that man had me on fire!" she said as she waved her hand like a fan in front of her face.

Well, that didn't sound right at all. In fact, if she didn't know better, that sounded like the man she was hiding from in the bathroom. The green-eyed giant, her Mr. Mike. She shook her head in disbelief. Wondering what he would have wanted was a bad idea. Andie needed to forget all about him and move on. He was married, and she was not a home wrecker.

"That's weird, I don't know. Thanks Diane, I'll see you soon," Andie said as she forced her feet to move from the kitchen.

Tags: Nikki Rome Romance