Page 2 of Unstoppable

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"Daniel, did you know Andie before tonight?"

Laughing, Daniel said, "Don't think I haven't noticed you ignoring me and watching the kitchen like a starved animal. To answer your question; no, I did not know Andie prior to about twenty minutes ago. Sweet as pie, that little thing. Kept me busy after she brought my drink. You know, it wouldn't hurt for you to find yourself a little woman like her. She reminds me a bit of my late wife; boy, that woman was the light of my life! You should be so lucky to find someone like her."

"You know, you might be right," he said, "I don't need a wife, but having a little lady like her around sure wouldn't hurt. Would you excuse me?"

"Of course! You take good care of her. You hear?"

"Yes, sir," Mike said, and with a quick salute he headed towards the kitchen.

It wasn't just her looks that drew him in. The kindness of a young girl willing to entertain an old man at a fundraiser showed what a loving heart she had. Knowing he would probably get stopped, he already had his story in the back of his mind. The only problem was, what was he going to say when he found her? "Hey, want to come home with me so I can get you off until you pass out?" Nope, that wouldn't work, not for a woman like her. Maybe he would just figure this out as he went. Looking back, he noticed Daniel laughing to himself and shaking his head as he worked his way to his table.

Holy crap! Andie thought, as she tucked tail and ran the first chance she had. Mr. Mike was downright beautiful. She was so off balance that not only did she run from the ballroom; she ran into the employee bathroom and was hiding a stall. Taking deep breaths, she needed to get a handle on herself. This was insane. Normally she was more than comfortable in her own skin. No man had ever made her feel as if she was inadequate, but standing next to a six-foot male model made her feel like she was about as fancy as a kindergartner.

She had seen him earlier with his wife and was having a hard time keeping her eyes off him. Lucky for her, General Montgomery looked like he would enjoy some company so she could admire him from afar while still working. Andie needed this job. Waiting tables was never really her thing, but it was easy to fall back on when money got tight. These fundraisers were the best option out there. Quick cash, simple shifts, and not a lot of drama. She always seemed to admire how the other half lived. She would never be someone who attended a fundraiser, but she was happy to wait on the people who did just so she could watch them. The problem with tonight was she couldn't keep her eyes off that green-eyed giant.

She heard the door crack open. "Andie?"

"Hey Diane, sorry! I'll be right out."

"That's okay, hun, just thought I'd check on you. There is some guy in the kitchen who's looking for you. Do you know what that's about?"

Oh no, oh no, oh no. She did not need her ex messing this job up for her tonight!

"Does he have a tan and black hair?" she yelled from behind the bathroom stall.

"Well, yes hun, he does," she replied in her southern accent.

"I'm so sorry, it must be my ex. I'll be right out to get rid of him. I really am sorry!"

"Don't you worry about it at all, I'll have the cook kick him out on his bootie."

"That would be great! And whatever you do, don't give into his sob story. I made the mistake of packing leftovers one night and now he's always coming around begging for more. Starving artist and all that," she said with disgust.

"Little lady, you don't have to explain to me. I have had my share of losers. Some day you will find your Prince Charming."

Diane always had a strange way of talking but was as nice as could be. They had met two years ago when Andie was working as a bartender at an event. Diane was older than her, but they had stayed in touch and got along well. A southern belle from Alabama, Diane was easy to get along with compared to all the tiresome people in New York City.

"Thank you, Diane, I really appreciate it."

"Not a problem, when you come out, meet me in the kitchen. I need some help plating dessert."

"You got it," Andie responded while shaking her head at the chaos that had plagued her night.

When she heard the door close behind her, she stood up and brushed herself off. Walking out to look at herself in the mirror, she realized her cursed blushing was out of control. Andie always envied women with darker skin. Her pale white features always showed her emotions at the worst times. She splashed some water on her face, tied her hair up with a hair tie and headed out to plate some dessert. There was no time to be stressing about her ex, or the mighty green-eyed giant that made her body burn all over. She was a professional with a job to do, and she would do just that.

Chapter Two

Mikeranhishandsthrough his hair in frustration. After waiting for what felt like forever in the kitchen, some little woman named Diane told him he was crazy and there was no Andie there.

"Hey man, hands off! I am a guest at this event," he said as the scrawny-looking cook tried to usher him out the back.

"Sorry buddy, just doing what the boss lady tells me. Kitchen is for staff only."


Frustrated but realizing he wasn't going to get his way, Mike turned and headed out of the kitchen and towards the bar. He knew he needed to get back to his client and see if she had questions. The whole point of being at this event was to get her to sign a new contract with Calvano Security. The problem was, he was so distracted he couldn't keep his eyes off the kitchen door. He watched it swing open and closed a dozen times, but none of the people he saw were Andie.

Giving up, he headed back to the table. This part of the business he hated more than anything. Give him a couple guns, knives and camo, and he was happy. Wining and dining were Jason's thing. Mike couldn't stand playing politics. He took the back seat for years and let Jason run things, which included events and contracts. Because of their work, one of them needed to be the front man. Mike's preference was the field, so it only made sense to open the business under Jason's name and give him the fancy job and title. In the field, Mike was the commanding officer and that was the way he preferred things. Most of the agents that worked for him didn't even know he owned half the company, and he liked it that way.

Tags: Nikki Rome Romance