Page 16 of Unstoppable

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He reached his hand across the table and pulled hers to him, "I missed you while I was gone."

"I missed you too."

Leaning forward, he placed a soft kiss on her lips, wishing for more but not wanting to scare her away.

Chapter Twelve

TalkingtoMikeshouldn'thave been this easy. They really didn't even know one another, but conversation flowed between them like they had been friends for years. Dinner was phenomenal, and Andie was hoping he was enjoying her company as well. She didn't know how much of herself to share with him. They talked about family and friends. When he asked about work, she got nervous. Then when he asked if she had insurance, she didn't know what to say. She didn't want to admit she was basically one check away from being evicted and hadn't had health insurance for months.

"I don't have insurance through the catering company, but I have a doctor at the clinic I can see. I'll schedule an appointment there next week."

"Andie, why don't I look into adding you to my insurance? It shouldn't be hard, I should be able to list you as a domestic partner."

"No. I'm good, I told you I can take care of myself."

"But you don't have to."

"Mike, please don't push this. I have a perfectly fine doctor at the clinic."

He was very deliberate in his line of questions after that. Once they ate, she joined him on the couch. They watched the sunset out the gigantic windows that surrounded the entire apartment. It was one of the best nights she'd had in a while. After sleeping all day, she wasn't even tired and dinner stayed down, so she had a bit of energy too. She felt like herself for the first time in a while, but she couldn't sit still on the couch. She kept fidgeting with nervousness and she knew he was watching her. She had to head home. It was time to cut to the chase. As much as she didn't want to ruin the current mood, they needed to figure some things out.

"Well, let's have it," she said.

He tilted his head in her direction and scrunched up his face, "Have what?"

"Whatever you have been avoiding; what do you want to say and what do you want to know, because I feel you have something at the tip of your tongue."

Mike leaned back, thinking for a moment. She was right, but he didn't want to have this conversation now. He had her right where he wanted her for the moment, and that was comfortable in his home. The last thing he wanted was for her to get mad at him and leave. If he was honest with himself, he would have preferred her in his lap while the sun was setting or in his bed while he held her. He knew they would get there somehow, he just had to convince her they could be good together. Mike had never been more certain about something in his life. It would take time, and he needed to be patient.

"Andie, obviously I have some questions and there are a lot of things we need to work out, but we just found out we will be parents. Maybe we should just enjoy the rest of today and dig into the tough stuff tomorrow."

Andie looked down and started pulling at the seam of the pillow in her lap.

"Hey," he said, lifting her chin with his finger, "What's going on in there?"

"Nothing. I um... I should head home then." She shifted on the couch and was about to get up when he reached for her and pulled her close. She seemed startled but gave into his pull.

Leaning into her ear, he softly whispered, "What if I don't want you to go?"

He didn't give her much time to think. Mike pulled her forward, and she found herself in his lap. Within seconds, he covered her lips with his. His tongue parted her lips and darted in and out slowly and sensually. She tasted like the honey from her tea and he couldn't get enough.

Pulling back he said, "My little angel, I have been wanting to taste you again ever since I pulled myself away from you last time."

"Why did you leave?" she said, before he could distract her again.

"I had a job that morning. I needed to be on the tarmac by 0900 and I had to meet the guys at the office first. I had no choice but to go. I would have found you sooner, but I just got back a couple days ago."

"Are you gone often?"

"Not anymore," he said, and he leaned forward to kiss her before she asked more questions. Until he saw her sitting in the lobby, the firm had him scheduled to fly out in the morning. It was a quick trip and he would have been back by the weekend, but leaving her again was too much right now. Waiting for the call that his trip would be covered had him on edge all evening. Mike trusted Jason would take care of it, but until he knew for sure, he couldn't relax. He would take all this an hour at a time. That was all he really could do.

Right now his focus needed to be on Andie; he needed to convince her she needed to be with him. Listening to her talk about her lack of jobs recently and that she had no insurance worried him. She needed him and he needed her. She brought a calm to his world that he wasn't wanting to let go of. Willing to admit that to her, he took a risk.

"Andie, I need you," he whispered into her ear, "I need you for more than the things I want to do to you. It's important you know that."

Then he took one hand, and every so lightly lifted her shirt to expose her gorgeous breasts. Her lace bra wasn't hiding much, and the sight of her dark pink nipples enticed him. Leaning forward, he pulled one into his mouth, lace and all. To his surprise, she bucked her hips forward and gasped for air. She was the most responsive woman he had ever been with. She had her legs wrapped around his waist and her movement pressed her center to his rock-hard cock. There was no denying what she did to him. He could feel the warmth of her center through his jeans, and his mind was racing with thoughts of what the night could bring. He felt like he had waited an eternity to hold her again and wasn't planning on wasting time on his couch. Standing slowly, he lifted her while he kissed her neck softly and walked her back to his bedroom.

"Mike?" she whispered.

Tags: Nikki Rome Romance