Page 1 of Unstoppable

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Chapter One

Anotherfundraiserwasthelast place Mike wanted to be. Yet that's exactly where he was. Rolling his stiff shoulders, he remembered how much he hated being in a monkey suit.

"I'm sorry, what did you ask?" he turned back to the client he was with.

"How long have you been with the firm?" she said, leaning into his personal space.

"Jason began Calvano Security about seven years ago, I've been there since the beginning. As I'm sure he mentioned, we specialize in security for former military members. Your husband was a client of ours for many years before he passed away, and we hope to continue that relationship with you," he trailed off as he noticed a beautiful golden-haired server restocking the bar.

"Right, so tell me about yourself? Are you married, Mike?"

With long red hair and a body to kill, he would normally enjoy this woman's advances. Today was different, though. Turning, he tracked the server's movement and with his eyes fixed on her, he replied, "Will you excuse me, I have to stop over at the bar to check in with someone."

"Oh, but do you have to? I could come with you if you'd like," she said as she reached for his arm.

Convinced this woman thought she was on a date and not at a business meeting, he shook his head. Mike rolled his eyes inwardly and said, "I won't be long; besides, I know Jason already sent over the contract to change everything into your name. Why don't you review it at your table and we can go through questions you have when I get back?" She pouted, which wasn't a pleasant look for her, and plopped down at the nearest table as Mike crossed the ballroom.

He needed a break from this lady, and his curiosity was getting the best of him. The server with golden blond hair kept buzzing by, and he couldn't seem to keep his eyes off her. She had curves that were distracting. Add to that her gorgeous angel-like face and green eyes, he found her beauty shocking. As a big guy at over six feet, he typically liked women who he didn't need to stoop down for, and she was tiny. She didn't fit the mold of girls who normally interested him, but her smile reached her eyes and it was hard to ignore.

Mike didn't think he was a bad-looking guy, and would use his looks to lure her in if he had to. It had worked in the past, but she whizzed by a few times and didn't seem to notice him. Blessed by his mother's genes, he was tall, of good physique, and had green eyes that clashed with his dark hair. As a kid coming from a one-parent household, raised by a woman with only sisters, he grew up with more confidence than most. Whether he was three years old or thirty, they loved telling him how pretty he was. He had grown to hate that word, except for when he was referring to women.

Once he had his drink, he looked across the room, and tried again to catch her eye. She was in a lively conversation with an older man who was attending the fundraiser. Luckily, he knew that man.

As he approached, his little angel finally looked up at him, and he nearly missed his step. Shaking it off, he reached his hand out to greet his old client.

"General Montgomery! Great seeing you here, old man. How have you been?"

Daniel Montgomery turned to see who was heading his way and greeted Mike with an enormous smile and handshake. Two years ago, the General had hired Calvano Security to recover his son from a kidnapping situation. Luckily everything had gone as planned, and he seemed more than pleased to see him.

"Mike! You know to call me Daniel. Come over here and give an old man a hug!"

Reaching down, Mike hugged the man with the ease of hugging a family member. The direction he was facing provided an unobstructed view into the green eyes of this enigma of a woman. As he stepped back, she turned to leave, but as luck would have it, Daniel was keen on keeping her close.

"Andie, wait! I want you to meet the man that saved my family. Mike, this is Andie. She has been just chatting away with me, so I didn't feel like I was alone," he said giving her a wink.

Mike turned and reached out a hand, "Andie, it's a pleasure."

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr...?"


"Okay, Mr. Mike," she said with a smile, "I should get going now that General Montgomery is busy."

"No, you don't have to leave. Please stay."

"Actually, I do have to leave," she said, pointing to her name tag, "I'm working."

"Amanda?" he asked after looking at her name tag.

"Yes, sorry. It is Amanda. Never was a fan of Mandie. General Montgomery here insisted on calling me what friends call me, so I obliged."

"Well then, if you don't mind, I'll stick with Andie, too," he said, giving her a small smile.

"Whatever you prefer, Mr. Mike. I hope you gentlemen enjoy the rest of your evening. I must run. We have a champagne toast I should get ready for."

And with that, she was off.

Mike spent the next ten minutes catching up with Daniel and monitoring the door to the kitchen, hoping to see Andie again. As much time as he spent watching it, he would have thought she'd come back out for something, but she didn't.

Tags: Nikki Rome Romance