Page 32 of Wicked Legacy

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He lifted one shoulder in a nonchalant shrug, abandoning all pretenses of friendliness. “It wasn’t about the money. It was about winning.”

I stared at his stony face in shocked silence, unable to believe how quickly he’d switched up his personality. He was a total sociopath.

He narrowed his eyes and turned his attention to Jax. “You’re not really drunk, are you?” he said, balling his hands. “You came up here and did this to sabotage me.”

Jax shook his head. “It was an accident. I had no idea you guys were up here.”

“Bullshit. You wanted to win the money for yourself, didn’t you?”

“Nope.” Jax lifted one shoulder in a casual shrug. “Couldn’t care less about it.”

“That’s bullshit! You did this on fucking purpose, asshole!” Nate roared. He launched himself at Jax, aiming a punch at his face, but he missed badly, and the momentum of his swing sent him skidding right into the chest of drawers.

If I wasn’t so upset, I would’ve laughed at how stupid he looked. Instead I grabbed my shoes and slid them back on, watching in grim silence as Jax narrowed his eyes, preparing himself for the inevitable fight.

Nate recovered from his misstep and aimed another punch at Jax’s jaw. Jax dodged it and swung right back at him. He landed the punch easily, and Nate grunted and fell back against the drawers, hitting them with a sickening thud.

I quietly picked up my purse and fled the room, hoping the guys ended up knocking each other out. When I reached the bottom of the staircase, I saw Cerina standing a few feet away, sipping at a cocktail. She spotted me and sashayed over, plump lips twisted in a knowing smirk.

“Get out of my way, Cerina,” I muttered.

“Aw, what’s with the long face?” she asked, raising a brow. “Did Nate finally tell you the truth after he got his dick wet?”

“He didn’t get anything from me,” I said, cheeks flushing hot. “I guess you sociopaths will have to donate that eighty grand to charity instead.”

She scowled and turned her head over her shoulder, snapping a finger. “Hey! Turn the music down!” she shouted to no one in particular.

The volume decreased right away. Every face in the room turned to gaze at us.

“Game over, everyone!” Cerina said. “Kinsey found out about the prize pool!”

“Who won?” someone called out.

“No one. She found out before anyone could claim it.”

A disappointed groan resounded through the room, followed by a hubbub of murmurs, whispers, and giggles. My skin went hot with shame. I swallowed hard and dropped my gaze from all the smirking faces as a horrible dizzy feeling swept through me, turning my head to mush and my legs to jelly.

This is happening. Oh, god, this is really happening.

I put one arm on the banister for support, trying to breathe evenly. It was useless, though. My chest tightened until it felt like I was going to keel over and die, choking on my own humiliation.

Cerina turned back to me, offering me a saccharine smile. “Do you have any idea how funny it’s been to watch you swan around school for the last few weeks thinking everyone actually likes you?” she said. “It’s beensohard not to say anything.”

“Move,” I choked out, trying to push past her with one shaky arm.

She shoved me back. “I’m not done talking to you,” she said, eyes glittering with malice. “You understand now, don’t you? No one here likes you or wants you around. You aren’twelcome.”

“Then let me leave,” I said through gritted teeth, hoping the room was dim enough for her to miss the tears sliding down my cheeks.

“Gladly,” she said in a singsong voice, stepping aside. “By the way… I told you that you’d regret fucking with me, didn’t I?”

I ignored her and craned my neck, searching for Erin’s face in the crowd of snickering partygoers. She was nowhere to be seen. Probably still kissing her mystery boy on the deck.

Fuck it.I had to get out of here right now. I couldn’t stand to be around these psychopathic assholes for one more second.

I swallowed hard and ran through the room, trying to ignore all the smug, spiteful faces around me. The cocktails I had earlier were affecting me badly now, as if the sudden shock had increased their potency. I could feel it getting worse and worse by the minute. My head was spinning like crazy and bile was rising in my throat like I was about to vomit at any second. At the same time, my limbs were starting to feel buzzy and heavy, like I was trying to run on quicksand.

When I finally reached the foyer, I stumbled and fell on the tiles, grazing my left knee. Shrieks of cruel feminine laughter erupted from somewhere behind me, but I refused to look back and give the girls the satisfaction of knowing I heard them cackling at my humiliation. With a grimace, I pushed myself off the cold floor and fled the mansion. Only then did I let myself cry.

Tags: Kristin Buoni Romance