Page 14 of Death Trap

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He nods to acknowledge me and puts a hand on the soul’s arm. I nod back and step away from her to let him do his job.

“This way ma’am, we can help ease your sadness,” he says quietly, as a yellow rune lights up on his arm. I watch as he hands her off to a reaper beyond his gate, giving him quick instructions.

“Good work, reaper. Generally reapers are less tolerant toward the souls of the Sorrows. It’s nice to see someone treat them gently.” I can see the compassion in his eyes for his people and my heart reacts. I’m relieved to know at least someone else gives a fuck about them.

“Thank you, Mason,” I reply and bow my head in a show of respect. He’s the first one to truly earn it here. “Do they ever get a chance to go to the After?” I can’t help but ask the question burning in my mind. I know Zoey said something about it, but I need to hear it from the source. The thought of her spending eternity sad, breaks my heart.

“They do. Here we help them accept their fate. If they don’t, they stay. If they do and are ready, they can move on to the After. Sometimes it’s family passing that eventually does it, but they move on all the same,” he explains as his face breaks into a genuine smile. His straight white teeth and adorable dimpled grin makes him even more devastatingly handsome. My breath catches in my throat at the sight.

With a quick wave I open the portal for my next assignment and step through into a park, needing to put space between us so I can breathe again. I would drown in those shocking blue eyes if he’d let me.

The sounds of nature around me bring me out of my trance and I take a deep breath of afternoon air and start off in search of my target.

It’s such an odd feeling to be invisible among so much activity. If I didn’t accept my fate before, this right here would do it. I’m going to have to find a balance between not taking shit and making friends, otherwise I’ll drown in the loneliness of this existence.

A slight burst of soul energy comes from the south and I change direction, walking through the park. Eventually I spot an old man on a park bench away from other people. I’m not sure what draws me to him but maybe I arrived a bit too soon? That thought makes me uneasy. Seeing the aftermath is one thing, I don’t need to see the life drain from his eyes.

As I walk closer I see the soul’s glow shimmering through the old man. He must have tried to get back into his body and failed.

“Doris, I’m coming, I won’t leave you, you need me,” the old man mumbles with determination. I walk up to the bench and sit next to him.

“I’m so sorry sir, but it’s your time. You will see Doris again one day. It’s time for you to go,” I say softly.

“No,” he grounds out. “I can’t. This can’t be it. She needs me.”

“She’ll be okay and you’ll see her soon,” I try again. But at this point, the poor soul becomes inconsolable and I have no choice but to just take him to the gatekeepers.

He doesn’t see the scythe coming from behind as I press it to his skin, the chain binding us together. He screams and fights harder but the chain is already activated, it’s too late for him. I quickly open the portal and bring him through for judgment. No sooner do we touch the platform, when the gatekeepers speak in unison.

“This soul is bound for The Sorrows.” I nod in assent and bring the soul to Mason.

He directs the soul to the waiting reaper and I take the moment to coil my chain up again. I’m not stalling to talk to him again, but I really just need the moment to pull myself out of the emotions that have built over the last two reapings.

“Hey, try not to let the emotions and sadness get to you. This isn’t a happy job, but you can choose to be their bright spot. It gets easier,” he says gently. With a shaky breath, I nod and meet his eyes. The intense blue gaze has butterflies fluttering in my stomach, which feels wrong with the current situation.

“Thank you, Mason.” I say with a small smile. The need to leave this moment overwhelms me and he looks surprised as I open my mouth, then call a portal and run away like a true coward instead of saying anything more.

The sound of a heart monitor beeping fills the air as I step into the middle of an ICU unit. I follow the sound and it grows louder before the tone becomes one long, monotonous tone that signifies the death of the patient.

When I get to the room a teenage soul is waiting for me. She is watching the doctors and nurses fight for the light that won’t return to her body. There’s a resignation in her voice.

“Are you here for me?” she asks in an even tone as her eyes take in my scythe.

“I am, are you ready to find peace?” I ask gently. She nods and walks over to me. Someone runs in and sobs escape as an older couple shove their way through to drape across her still body.

“I love you, baby,” the woman whispers before kissing her forehead. The dad does the same and there’s defeat and acceptance in his eyes mixing with the heartbreak.

“We’ll see you again,” he promises in a rough voice before the tears fall again.

“They’ll be okay,” she says more to herself than me. “I’m more than ready. No more pain.” Giving her one last look at her parents I touch her arm with the chain. Once it’s glowing silver I call the portal and step through to witness her judgment. She stands before the gatekeepers, waiting confidently for their verdict.

“I’m so sorry that you suffered, child. Now you can be free in the After.” The gatekeepers all stand and bow to her with a respect I never expected. I keep my shock off my face as I lead her away

“This way,” I tell her as I lead her through the gates. As we approach, Liam gives her a blinding smile that has her own lighting up. I now see why his personality is so open and playful. He’s the face of peace for them.

“Hello, welcome to the After. My friend here will show you where to go.” His rune glows yellow and releases the chain. I feel the burn of my newest mark on my wrist. I pull my jacket down and smile at the gorgeous flock of birds, flying free.

I turn away with my eyes locked on it but before I can step away Liam is calling out to me.

Tags: Jarica James Paranormal