Page 44 of His Bella

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“You and ruthless don’t begin to enter the same sentence Bella, determined definitely but you have too much heart to be ruthless. After all a woman who opens an eating disorder clinic after her friend dies and has been stopping by each week to check on a girl, she’s taken under her wing can’t be called ruthless.”

“How do you know about the clinic?”

“They sent a thank you letter to you at the office. I got it since it was addressed to the PR department with your name, they put it in my basket.”

“And you were curious as to why we’d donated the money to them. How hard was it to find the info?”

“Nearly impossible but I sort of discerned it by putting this and that together. The staff knows you, but they weren’t talking, other than to say you’re an amazing woman and supporter of the place.”

“Okay, so the clinic is mine but if word of that gets out they’ll certainly think I have an eating disorder.”

“With your own private clinic to turn to at any moment. So how are you going to refute this claim?”

“I’ve invited Renee to come to my shoot next week, we’re doing the new lingerie line. They’ll get to see the truth of what goes into the day and that I’m constantly snacking to keep my energy up.”

“You’re not worried they’ll think it’s all for show?”

“All they have to do is ask the crew and they’ll know that I’ve had the same caterer at all of my shoots for the last…eight years. Now if there was someone who could get my husband to stop by the shoot…”

“You think that’s wise?” Paul chuckled. “You wearing sexy lingerie…you’re fully dressed and yet that kiss was enough to ignite the grills. If he comes to the shoot the cameras might catch something a bit X-rated.”

“I promise to be on my best behavior, besides we’re not into voyeurism. Look if he’s not busy you could casually mention the shoot…if he is, it’s fine.”

“I’ll see what I can do but, in the meantime, what are you going to do about Penelope?”

“Make her stew, I mean gosh, look at the time, it’s getting so late.”

“It’s barely two…oh…got it,” he said at her pointed stare.

“Bye Paul,” she stated making her way across the lawn towards Tyler and the still hanging on Penelope.

“Ty…” she called out softly tilting her head slightly as she smiled.

He caught her eyes and she saw the desire flash through them.

“It was great seeing everyone,” he said making his excuse.

“Tyler, I was hoping you could look over the Drake’s file,” Penelope said trying to regain his attention.

“Next week,” he answered without looking at her as he closed the distance between them. “Hi…” he said sliding his arms around her waist.

“Mmm…hi…” she sighed resting her forehead against his chin.

“Talk to everyone you wanted to?”

“Mhmm…what do you say we head home? I can barely keep my eyes open,” she said lowering her lashes for effect.

“Everyone will know exactly why we’re leaving,” he cautioned.

“So…if the press asks anyone here how we interacted today they’ll just grin and say we left early.”

“Eight hours early…”

“And when there are photos of us turning up at the apartment and we’re not seen from again for the rest of the day everyone will know precisely what we’ve been up to. Unless of course you’re notupfor it…”

He pulled her snugly against him letting her feel exactly how up for it he was, and she smiled.

“Let’s go,” he said sending a wave to his parents who smiled happily back. “They don’t seem too heartbroken about it.”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance