Page 28 of His Bella

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“Mrs. Franks,” Steven shouted moving between Tyler and Izzie fully. Mrs. Franks appeared immediately, and he told her, “Show the Remsens out, they’re no longer welcome in our home.”

“Now Steven,” Jonathan said, “don’t be hasty, you’re our children’s godfather.”

“Not anymore,” he replied. “None of you blinked an eye as Bella told us what happened. I’d guess you already knew, didn’t you? Youknewthat your daughter had set the other up to be raped and did nothing about it. You allowed her to marry the man who hurt Bella and forced her to attend it to rub it in, didn’t you?”

“Come along Jonathan,” Maria stated, “obviously they no longer share our views regarding Bella’s faults. Don’t come crying to us when she destroys your lives…”

“By the wayMaria,” Bella said as they reached the door, “I never had an abortion, thanks to Xavier I got to the hospital where they provided me with all the medication needed to ensure that didn’t happen.”

Maria turned on her heel and left muttering something under her breath she couldn’t make out. Vivien released her as Tyler reached her side and gathered her closely to him as Steven took his wife in his arms.

“I’m sorry,” Bella said shakily. “I should have told you before but…”

“But admitting that your sister did that to you was worse than anything you’d been through?” he offered.

“Yeah…knowing that they all knew…I just needed some time to process it.”

“Honey I’m not mad at you,” Tyler assured her, “I’m mad as hell at your parents, your sister, and especially at that piece of crap David. What they did to you…”

“I guess we just need to put it away from us. I know I’ve said it again and again but this time I mean it Ty. They are not my family. You—your mom and dad, Mrs. Franks, Mandy, Charlie, Jess and Toby, that’s the family I choose. I don’t need anyone else,” she stated. “I just need you.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he replied kissing her forehead.

“And neither are we,” Steven stated giving her a hug of his own. “Sweet Bella, is this why you were so determined to get the New Hope Shelter funding?”

“The what?” Vivien questioned.

“The New Hope Shelter,” Tyler stated. “It’s the rape and abuse center for teens—Bella funded it.”

“Because of what happened to you,” Vivien said understanding. “You continuously surprise me with your generosity and your heart Bella, they never deserved you.”

“And they’ll never have me,” she added, “now why don’t we enjoy some of Mrs. Franks’ amazing food?”

“I agree,” Steven grinned pressing a kiss on the top of her head.

Chapter 6

Bella stared at her reflection in the mirror as her stomach flipped over for the hundredth time that day. Behind her, her bridesmaids were picking up their bouquets and Jessica lifted her veil off of the hanger and carried it over for Richard to slip into her hair. She watched as he expertly inserted it and then adjusted the ends of it to lie flat. So much had happened in the last four months, and now, three days before her twenty-eighth birthday, she was standing in a wedding dress about to walk up the aisle and marry Tyler. The man she loved but hadn’t kissed since Christmas last year, and the thought of what could happen to them was enough to send her running away in fear.

“Bella…Bella…oh Bella,” Charlie said interrupting her thoughts. “Goodness hun, you were a million miles away…”

“Sorry, last minute jitters I guess,” she stated. “Did you need something?”

“Just to tell you it’s time,” Mandy, the woman who’d been a mother to her for the last fifteen years, answered smiling fully at her. “Bella, you look stunning…”

“Thanks to Toby,” Bella smiled warmly. “Where is Toby? He was supposed to check the dress one last time before we start.”

“Never fear Bella-be, I’m right here. Your soon to be had an issue with his jacket that needed some attention,” he stated walking into the dressing room of the huge cathedral she and Tyler had settled on knowing the guest list would be massive.

“Bella, we’re ready when you are,” the wedding planner Brittany said poking her head into the room.

“We’d better hurry then,” Charlie said kissing her cheek.

“I’m so glad you decided to continue working,” Mandy told her. “I’ve never seen you so happy or so inspired when you get in front of a camera…and Tyler is and always has been the perfect choice for you, I’m glad you finally saw it.”

“Mandy, Charlie I swear if you make me cry…” she warned with genuine affection for both women.

“We’re off,” Mandy said squeezing her hand.

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance