Page 26 of His Bella

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“Last week, the night before I took her to the airport,” he fibbed having worked it out in the car. “It was a gorgeous evening, we were sitting on the terrace, the wind was blowing, and Bella’s favorite song came on…”

“I thought he was joking when he suddenly stopped in the middle of it and said, ‘Marry me’ but he wasn’t. It might not have been a movie worthy proposal, but I think it was perfect for us.”

“But you didn’t have a ring…did you pick one out?” Vivien asked.

“Not yet, I’d planned on seeing some jewelers this week since Bella’s home and I figured she should have some say in what she wears.”

“I don’t think a jeweler is going to be necessary,” Steven said walking out of the room. He returned a few minutes later carrying a small box. He put it down on the table in front of Tyler and told him, “It was your grandmother’s.”

“I remember this ring,” he stated opening the top and staring down at it.

“Shouldn’t you show it to Bella?” Vivien said gently.

“I should,” he agreed. “If you don’t like it, we can still pick out something else but…” he said turning it to face her.

Her mouth fell open and she felt her breath catch in her throat, it was stunning.

“I think your dad’s right,” she said with a smile.

“See how it fits,” Vivien suggested.

“Mom had delicate hands like you Bella,” Steven told her as Tyler slipped the ring onto her finger grinning at the perfect fit.

“Guess you can’t mess with fate,” Tyler whispered to her as he kissed the ring and her hand.

“Alright then we need to get down to planning. We’ll need to pick a date, a location, a cake, a caterer, colors, a dress,” Vivien began to list, and they both jumped in to stop her.

“Mom slow down…”

“Vivien, we’ll have plenty of time…”

“I agree with the kids,” Steven said, “if you want to plan an engagement party that’s fine but why don’t we let them choose the wedding date.”

“Of course,” she agreed.

“Well, I can tell you right now that I do have one thing to cross off the wedding list,” Bella stated.

“What’s that?” Tyler inquired.

“My dress designer,” she grinned. “Toby has already made me sketches of what he thinks I should wear, and I have it on good authority that he will do anything to make me the most beautiful bride ever.”

“Not too hard there,” Tyler stated happily.

They agreed to stay for lunch and were about to sit down when the doorbell rang.

“Who could that possibly be?” Vivien wondered aloud. A few moments later her question was answered as Bella’s parents and Izzie were shown in by the housekeeper. Mrs. Franks sent Bella an apologetic look as she shook her head at the intruders.

“Maria, Jonathan, Izzie,” Vivien said standing up. “This is a surprise.”

“So was this,” Maria stated tossing the paper down onto the table. “What in God’s name possessed you two to back up this ridiculous notion of Tyler marrying Bella?”

“It’s not a notion Maria,” Tyler replied. “Bella and Iaregetting married and if you’re not behind us then I suggest you leave right now.”

“Why?” Jonathan asked his eyes full of scorn as he looked past him to Bella. “Why do you always insist on hurting our family?”

“Good lord Jonathan,” Steven stated angrily. “She is part of your family whether or not you accept it. She is yourdaughterand you’ve treated her like an outcast from the day she was born and don’t bother denying it, I’ve seen the way you look at her, the insults you throw at her…my god man, she is yourdaughter.”

“She’s nothing but a whore,” Maria retorted. “Using her body to seduce men, make money—why don’t you tell them the truth Bella? Tell them how you landed your contracts or how many men you’ve been with. Or that you had an abortion when you were fourteen…”

Tags: Rosa Mink Romance