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“Of course.” He flashes me a bright smile.

“I own one of your pieces,” Oliver says to Piper.

She’s holding on to Finley’s arm, her face wan, eyes smudged with gray. Her brows lift at his statement. “You do? Which one?”

He never mentioned anything about this to me, only that he wanted some of her pieces for a show, not that he owned any of them. When did he obtain it?

Finley gives me a questioning look, and she must be thinking something similar. I shake my head slightly.

“Lamentation,” Oliver answers.

“That’s one of your earlier pieces, isn’t it?” Finley asks.

Piper nods.

“Who do I need to contact to acquire more of your work?”

“Is now the best time for this conversation?” Finley glares at Oliver, but his gaze is still focused on Piper.

She swallows, shifting on her feet. “I’m not sure right now. I’ll have to get back to you.”

Oliver purses his lips then nods. “Fine.” He looks her over. “Do you have a bag? Archer mentioned we may have to pick up some of your possessions.”

Her response is low. “I don’t have anything. I had to leave suddenly.”

“Well then. Let’s go.”

She shakes her head. “I’d rather not. Ben is probably there. He’ll make things . . . difficult.” Her grip on Finley’s arm tightens.

“Nonsense. There is one Ben and five of us.”

“No.” Piper swallows, turning pleading eyes to Finley. “I can’t do it. I can’t see him. What if he makes me stay?”

Oliver’s scowl deepens. “He will do nothing of the sort. You won’t have to see him. We can take him out, and then you can go in to gather your personal effects.”

I step into the discussion. “Between the three of us, we won’t have any issues getting him to leave so you can get your things. I promise you this. You don’t even have to see him. We can get him out while you wait in the limo. We’ll keep you safe.”

After a few long seconds, her chin lifts, and the family resemblance is apparent in the stubborn set of her jaw. “Fine. Let’s do it.”

Thirty minutes later, we’re pulling up in front of her house, Mason following us in his black Camaro.

“Mason should stay with them and help get the items into the limo. We can take Ben out and down the street.” Oliver’s hand is on the door handle.

“Mason might take issue with that. He wanted an opportunity to have a conversation with Ben.”

“He’ll live.”

Oliver gets out without waiting for anyone to agree with his plan.

“He’s bossy.” Piper watches him leave.

I put my hand on Finley’s knee, shifting to follow him. “He’s used to getting what he wants.”

Finley squeezes my hand. “I’ll call you when it’s done.”

“I’ll make sure we leave the front door unlocked.” I kiss her quickly on the lips before getting out of the car.

Oliver is already striding up the walkway toward the door.

Tags: Mary Frame Romance