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He nodded. “She’s been calling us all week, putting pressure on the board to speak up.”

“She tried to buy Lauren off too, thinking if she threw enough money at her she’d take the baby and disappear from my life.”

“Your mother…”

“Please,” I interrupted him coldly, “I don’t want lectures from you about my mother.”

Uncle Albert was a big man, a kind man. He’d lost much of his hair, picked up a lot of weight, but his eyes were still warm, albeit a bit sad. He’d always tried to be there for me over the years, but he was mindful of not overstepping his place. He’d often told me he didn’t want to pretend to be my father and I appreciated his tact.

“I didn’t deserve that,” I told him. “Besides, Lauren is great at her job. Yes, she happens to be pregnant, and I am the father. But there is no risk to the company.”

“Even so,” Uncle Albert said gently, “It could get out. The news, I mean. A financial journalist may get it into their head to attack us this way.”

“I’ve had enough of this,” I said, firmly. “Are you saying the board is losing confidence in me?”

“No, no, not at all,” my uncle spoke quickly, anxiously. “You are doing a marvelous job, Matthew, we are all very happy. It’s just… your mother, you know, she’s worried, and I wanted to bring it up.”

“You mean, she wanted you to bring it up.”

I was furious with my mother for manipulating Uncle Albert and with him as well, for allowing himself to be used.

“Look, I am happy for you,” my uncle finally said. “If this is what you want.”

“It is.”

“Then this is wonderful news. But think about how it could look for the company.”

This was the last straw. The fact that he thought I needed reminding of the bloody business that had overshadowed my whole life. I had never been allowed to think of anything or anyone else.

“I don’t give a damn about that!”

I saw his eyes widen in shock. I’d never spoken to him like that.

I turned around and left without saying another word to him. My pulse was racing, and I felt an uncontrollable rage. There was no way I could go back to the office like this. I needed to get out, clear my head.

I went down to the parking garage, got my car, and called my PA, cancelling my meetings for the rest of the day. “I am going to put in a few days of sick leave, that shouldn’t be a problem. Can you take care of that?”

“Sure, yes.”

“Is there anything urgent on my diary, anything that can’t wait?”

She looked at my calendar and there was nothing that urgent.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

I hesitated. “I need some time off. It’s personal, but if anyone asks, say it’s a medical break. Hemorrhoid surgery. That should shut them up.”

“Does this have anything to do with Lauren?”

“What do you know about Lauren?” I asked sharply.

“People talk around here, I’ve heard that the two of you were seen one weekend, holding hands?”

“Thanks for keeping me updated on the office gossip,” I said drily, ending the call.

I put a call through to the company vice-president, my other cousin Will. We weren’t exactly close, but we’d learnt to get along over the years. I told him I was taking a few days off and leaving him in charge.

“This have anything to do with the girl downstairs?”

Tags: Erica Frost Billionaire Romance