Page 99 of Limitless

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She lunged forward, dropped her glass, and wove her arms around my neck.

“I got a spot for us in the back room. Come on. I’ll make you feel so good.”

I grabbed her at the waist to push her away. “Sarah, stop. You’re drunk.”

“Just once. I need to have you just once, then I can get you out of my mind.” She licked her lips. “Always…on my mind.” She palmed my zipper and let out a moan.

“Hey!” Grabbing her wrist, I backed up the last two steps. “Drey! Give me a hand here?”

“Ah, shit!” I heard him yell, and I turned around, only he wasn’t alone.

Lina stood there between Bill and Drey with wide eyes.

Ah shitwas right.

* * *


I was such an idiot. Such a stupid, clueless girl to think I would ever be enough for Hunter. Tears bit at the backs of my eyes, and a swirl of anxiety tightened my chest. I’d worked so hard to get here. To be in this bar with all these people for Hunter.

At least I knew whose lipstick I’d seen on his shirt on New Year’s Eve. There he was holding a tall, skinny, and completely sexy woman in his arms. His hands were on her waist, and they were almost dancing. They couldn’t even wait to get to the dance floor.

“Whoa, hold on, Angelina.” Drey showed me his palms. “It’s not what you think. Just hold on.”

“Breathe, girl,” Bill said.

He was bigger in person than on Skype, that’s for sure. He’d been so sweet working with me to set up this Valentine’s Day surprise for Hunter. I’d expected him to be this cuddly teddy bear, instead, he was a tall, ferocious wall of muscle, but his smile was as genuine in person as it was online.

“That’s Sarah, and she’s had a thing for Hunter since day one.”

“Obviously.” I glanced back to the door. “I think…I should…go.” Dang it, I was losing my breath.No panic attacks.This wasn’t only a panic attack edging toward the surface—it was my heart shattering in my chest.

I couldn’t give Hunter what he needed, and I may never be able to. Was I being selfish even trying to? He was an incredible man and of course other women were going to throw themselves at him. Probably did every night he was on shift. He couldn’t resist them forever. He deserved more.

“Lina!” Hunter called out from across the room as Drey peeled that woman off him.

I stepped back, suddenly not feeling so brave in my kick ass boots, black leggings and form-fitting long sleeved shirt. Having stood in front of the mirror and changing five times to find my power outfit, with Lizzie’s help of course, I suddenly felt naked and very unprotected.


There You Go, Sober, Let’s Get The Party Started.

“You’re doing great,” Bill whispered. “Stay here. It’s not what you think. He’s never been into Sarah.”

Maybe not, but he was stuck with half a woman. A broken half of a woman at that. A sick-o who’d taken an entire month to get to his club. I was ridiculous.

Chapter Thirty


“Lina,” Hunter said again now only two feet separating us. “You’re here?” he glanced at the big guy beside me. “Bill?”

He grinned and stepped away. “She’s all yours.”

“You son of a bitch,” Hunter said with a smile.

Bill chuckled and nodded in my direction. “Take care of her.”

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance