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He flinched within my grasp, and I hoped that was a good reaction, because my body flared to life at the contact with his.

And no flashbacks.

I leaned back and looked into his eyes. His nostrils flared, and the black pupils expanded, eating up the violet blue. “Like that?”

His hand slid to my lower back and pressed me to him, so I knew exactly what I’d done to him. “I’d say,” he said as he grinned. “You drive me crazy.”

“Crazy, huh?”

“It’s a good crazy, trust me.” He rested his forehead against mine. “Thanks for doing this. You like dancing?”

“More the part where you’re holding me. But I like the song you chose, too.” I stepped more into him. “And how it makes me feel. Howyoumake me feel.”

“How’s that?” He touched a kiss to my cheek.

I pushed up even more and claimed his lips. He responded in kind, opening for me as if he’d been waiting for my kiss all day. And I let him have it. All of it.

His hand slid further down until it nearly cupped my butt, and that set off a whole new round of fireworks beneath my skin.

“Did you know…They say that what you’re doing at midnight on New Year’s Eve is what you’ll be doing all year?”

“That’s why everyone kisses?” I said, my lips mingling with his. “Because they want to be doing more of that in the coming year?”

“Maybe. But I know what I want to be doing right now with you.” He kissed me again, holding me so close that I wasn’t sure if it was his heart I felt pounding or mine. “But maybe in a more private place?”

I glanced around suddenly realizing our song had bled into another, one I wasn’t familiar with. Two other couples were still swaying to the music around us, but the others had gone back to their tables.

“This is so awesome.” I didn’t feel a hint of anxiety around these people or about the fact that I was out of my apartment. I’d made agoraphobia mybeeotch! “I can’t get over how good I feel.”

“You do.” He hugged me tighter.

“I…Do you want to come to my place?” I smiled. “That sounded like a total pick up line.”

“You can use that line on me any time.” He kissed my lips. “And yes. I want to go to your place.”

Heat steamed up my neck. “Good. Because I want to do more of this…with less clothing on.”

“That is definitely something I can help you with.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Lina pushed open her door and stood on the welcome mat. Two deep breaths later we stepped through the threshold. She sure had something with stepping over that line, didn’t she? Or it was the fact that I was with her.

This was technically the third time I’d been inside her home if I counted the first one after I’d found her in the elevator. It sure felt like an honor to be here, though, considering she let no one in. As in ever.

Last time it’d led to a panic attack, and I sure hoped it didn’t again tonight. After dancing with her so close, my body was on edge, tight with need to be with her. To touch her.

She tossed her bundle of candy corn on the coffee table and turned to face me. Her hands were fisted at her side, and her chest heaved way more than I’d like, well, unless my touching her and kissing her were the reason.

But they weren’t. She was nervous, and I couldn’t have that. “We could dance some more.”

She grinned. “Music sounds good. Drink?”

I nodded as I stepped into her living room area and stood before her massive TV. “We could put a movie in instead if you want.” That might relax her, too. Something familiar. “Hey, I’d even watch Tomb Raider if you wanted.”

“You would?” she asked from the kitchen.

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance