Page 79 of Limitless

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“Lesser sentences. They’ll get out in a handful of years.”

“How is everything so hidden?”

“Because of whom she is. Her father has some serious pull…everywhere. When you amass that kind of influence and power, you make enemies.” Marshal paused, and I heard computer keys clicking. “Look, I’m kind of bending some lines here by telling you, but you need to know what you’re getting into.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“Somehow I knew you’d say that. Anyway, Dom, the guy who orchestrated the abduction as a ransom-gig. Case file indicates Dom’s father was let go from one of the hotels Lina’s Dad owns. Something to do with theft. Evidently, that led to financial hardship for the family.”

“What do you mean?”

“Father lost the house, fell into crime, got his ass thrown in jail then died there. Dom didn’t confess much, but the others did, to lessen their sentence. Dom had payback in mind when he took Angelina. Ransom, but then…Hunter, it got bad for Angelina.Reallybad. Her dad paid the ransom, authorities tracked the money down to where she’d been held.”

“Holy shit, Marshal.” Fury started boiling again, deep in my gut, at the thought of how much abuse she’d suffered. “I didn’t find much of anything for Angelina Raine other than her social media stuff, schooling, and general things like that.”

“That’s because her parents changed her last name to protect her. Supposedly to keep her out of the limelight, but honestly, I think it was more not to mar their image that they have a shut-in for a daughter instead of the socialite she was raised to be.”

“Shit. Mother Fu—”

“Hey, watch it. Don’t make my ears bleed on Christmas Day.”

Maybe Marshal was right, maybe I shouldn’t tell her about witness protection, the full extent of what Dad’s done these past three years. She didn’t need to carry that weight. She had enough nightmares to deal with. But I didn’t like keeping it a secret.

Then again, as Mom had said, Hunter Amos was who I was now. It didn’t matter about my previous names. Nothing mattered except my Lina...and getting Dad locked up forever.

“Listen, Hunter. I’ll check in with the military team assigned to apprehending your dad again, see what I can dig up. They can’t enjoy having a rogue walking time bomb out there.”

“It’s been three years, Marshal, they would have found him by now.”

“Yeah, well…you can blamethemfor your dad’s expertise in evading everyone.” He cleared his throat. “I know it’s tough. But your mom…she’s right you know.”

“What?” Okay, that surprised me.

“She told me about how much you want to tell Angelina everything and how you’re struggling with keeping this secret from her.”

I gulped.

“I respect that. And you. You’re a stand-up guy and you want to do right by Angelina.”


“Do not tell her about the witness protection part. You need us. And while we have enough to convict your father on so many things, you and your mother still need to testify on what he did to her. To you.”

He made a little sense. They’d not caught Dad yet, but they were an added layer of protection when Dad did pop up...Shit.

“Thanks, Marshal. And oh, Merry Christmas.”

“You, too. Keep out of the limelight.”

“I’m trying.”

“Try harder. And no more fights at the club where you’re breaking noses and jaws.”


“I’m serious. Clean it up!”

“I hear ya.” I clicked end and tossed the phone on the cushion beside me.

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance