Page 72 of Limitless

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I wove my arm around his neck and pulled his head to my chest. “You’re nothing like him,” I whispered. “You’re my Hunter. My rock.”

God, I loved this complicated guy. Yeah, he scared me sometimes, and tonight, well, I got to see a side he’d kept so well hidden, but it was fine. I wasn’t scared of him, more scaredforhim. He was so hard on himself. Wanted so badly to not be like his father, like the assholes out there preying on women.

But Isabelle…that was the worst of his guilt. I could feel it oozing from him.

Didn’t matter. Hunter was mine and no matter what, I loved him.

* * *


We were standing side-by-side at the threshold of her door, staring into her apartment. My mind was still whirling over what had happened at the ball, but even that couldn’t take away from this very important moment: Entering Lina’s home.

After knowing her for a few months now, I was finally invited in. And after a crazy night. She’d seen me at my worst—well not quite my worst, but close enough—and she still wanted me by her side.

“Are you sure?” I asked, standing in front of Lina’s open door. “Even after…everything tonight?”

“I’m positive.” She slid her hand into mine and threaded her fingers with mine. “You’re fine. It’s over, you were defending Patty and everyone around us. Even the security guards saw it.”

Not to mention Marshal making a call to them, and the authorities, according to Mom. I was sure I’d get an earful from Marshal about this.


I nodded, and we stepped over the threshold. She smiled. “I know you were in here that first night we met, but I was out cold and don’t remember it. But I’m glad I’m awake for this one.”

“Me, too.”

We took a few more steps past the initial entryway and into the open area of her apartment. It was nearly an exact replica of my place, but a mirror image of my layout. And much homier as she’d been sequestered here for years, and it had her personality everywhere. The wall colors were bright, and the window dressings were varying shades of dark and light. From the entryway, I was able to see into the kitchen, and judging by the gadgets lining the back wall, it was used quite a bit.

“How are you doing?” I asked.

“Good. I’ve wanted to bring you in here for a while now.” She grinned up at me. “Let me show you around.”

We buzzed through the spare rooms, the kitchen, and on our way toward her room, we passed her office area with all the screens. They had sayings floating on the screens, inspirational quotes in bright colors, and pictures of sunsets and beaches.

“I’ve got pictures of everywhere I want to travel to once I get out of here. Cayman, Hawaii, France, Alaska…lots of places.”

“Sounds good,” I said, hopeful I’d get to take her on a few of those trips someday. “And this is where you work. Consulting.”

“And take my classes. See, I log in and there’s a video in the classroom I can feed into, so it’s like I’m there, only on a screen. I get to see the people, the teacher, even ask questions. It’s pretty cool. I had to call in a few favors for that—and make some donations to the computer science department.”

“Of course.” I looked toward her bedroom. “Do I get to see your room, too?”

She nodded, her cheeks reddening. I followed her, admiring the nice view. That dress clung to her body like a second skin, and it made my fingers itch to touch her. I’d gotten a taste of her earlier, before the dance, and I wanted more. But after what’d happened tonight, it might not be a good idea.

I was calmed down, yeah, but after my breakdown out in the hallway, I wasn’t so sure where everything stood with us. All I knew was that my outburst didn’t push her away like I thought it’d had. When she fell backwards because I scared her by punching the wall, I thought for sure she’d bolt.

But she hadn’t.Yet.Why did I have to always add thatyeton things? Mom assured me that Marshal was on things with the local authorities, and I wasn’t going to get hauled in. That meant we wouldn’t have to leave, so I should enjoy this night with Lina. Mom was right when she said I needed to have a life, and I wanted Lina in it. I wanted her.

She pushed open the French doors to her room, and a wave of her melon scent swarmed me. I took in a deep breath of it and smiled. Damn, that scent was addicting.

Under her intense stare, I stepped further in. “I like it.”

The walls were a light pink color, but the accents were dark—blue, red, and some white. Strange combination of colors, but it worked for her. The bed was a king-sized spectacle in the middle of the room beneath a canopy of sheets, and it was raised up on blocks. The windows overlooking the city were dark, but I saw my reflection in them along with Lina’s beside me.

The bathroom and closet were in the same spot as mine, but her room had a nice sitting area at the far end with another TV that had a screen saver of pictures scrolling.

I stepped toward it, watching them float around, and then I saw one of us. It was a selfie from when we’d gone ice-skating.

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance