Page 70 of Limitless

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Damn it!I’d lost control again.

Thankfully, Lina hadn’t been hurt. Even if my actions tonight forced Mom and I to move again, her safety was worth it.

Chapter Twenty-One


My key fob dropped to the floor my hands were shaking so badly. I couldn’t even hold the dumb thing in front of the sensor. How ridiculous was I?

“Let me,” Hunter whispered as he bent down to get it.

When he’d punched that guy so hard, I heard the bones cracking, I’d almost lost it. But he’d stayed focused to the point that it was almost scary. But now, he was quiet, and the light in his eyes was gone.

Hunter waved the key fob in front of the sensor pad, then stepped back. “You sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine, Hunter.” I reached out and touched his warm forearm. He’d taken his jacket off and rolled up his shirtsleeves while talking with the security guards. “Areyouokay?”

“Not even close.” He shook his head. “But you and Mom are safe, so that helps. I can’t believe—”

“Don’t.” I grabbed his hand and twined my fingers with his. “That guy was insane. You stopped him. You saved Patty. And everyone in that lunatic’s path.”

“But I—” He stepped away from me. “Lost it. Lost control.”

“Yeah. You did. Only for a second. You were trying to stop that guy. To protect Patty. Protect that guy’s wife.”

He looked to the floor with his shoulders slumped. He looked absolutely broken.


Fists tight at his side, he backed away, and looked everywhere but at me. I stepped toward him, and he put his hand out. “Don’t.”

“No. You don’t. Don’t do this.”

In a move so fast, he rammed his fist into the drywall. It crackled beneath the pressure, and he leaned forward, his forehead thumping against the wall.

The anger radiating from him nearly plowed me over it was so thick. My heel caught the hem of my dress, and I stepped back with my other foot to right myself but hit the hem with that heel, too.

And down I went.

My butt hit first, sending a zinger of pain up my back.

“Lina!” Hunter lunged toward me.

I let out a yelp as my elbow crashed with the carpeted floor.

Hunter stopped just before making contact with me, his eyes were wide and dark.

“It’s okay, I tripped. I—you—”

“I scared you.” He closed his eyes briefly, and the muscles along his jaw fired. “Are you okay? Let me help you up.”

He guided me to my feet as I untangled my heels from the back of my dress. I’d shredded it good.

“I’m sorry, Lina.” He shook his head. “I better go. You get inside. I’ll see you…later.”

“No,” I said as I grabbed his hand. “Don’t push me away.”

“Lina, you fell down because of me. Because I—” He glared at the wall. “Shit. Lina, I fucked up your wall.”

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance