Page 55 of Limitless

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“Holy cow.” She changed her stretching stance as she faced forward. “And this is your first time out?”

“Been working up to this. But yeah, for the most part.”

“And you came here.” She grinned. “Yeah, I knew I saw some sparks between you guys. I’m glad you’re here, girl.”


We fell into a comfortable silence as Hunter led the class. He was confident, encouraging, yet demanding and expectant. Such a sexy combination.

It was then that I decided it might be time to let him in. And not only my heart, but my apartment.

Chapter Seventeen


“I can’t believe you came here,” I said as I picked up the towels around the room. My shoes squeaked, and the scent of sweat hung heavy, but I was right at home with it. Having spent all that time in the boxing ring, I’d been around it forever.

“Surprised?” She smiled, and it was one of her biggest smiles yet. It filled her face and lit up her brown eyes like they were fireworks.

“Very. How did you do this?”

“Like everything else. Small steps.” She grabbed her jacket from the floor then faced me, holding it in her hands.

I brushed my fingers along her shoulder, right above the purple scar exposed by her V-neck workout shirt. It wasn’t quite as wide as Mom’s, but it was jagged.

I could tell she was working hard not to step away. She always had if I’d touched her shoulder while training, and now I knew the full extent as to why. The mark coiled over her shoulder and disappeared beneath the neck of her shirt, but in front, it flared out like a purple vine then ducked back under the fabric right above the swell of her breast.

That had to have been a deep cut, or maybe she’d had surgery. And just like that, my heart rate kicked up and red cornered my vision, tainting the perfect view I had of Lina.

Back off. No!The thought of her in pain, being abused...I couldn’t fucking stand it. I slid my fingers along her shoulder and down her arm as I stepped back, focusing on my control.Damn anger.

“You are gorgeous,” I said. Yes, focus on her. I was with her now, and I’d protect her. No one would ever hurt her again. Not even me.

“Thanks. You did great with us. All these women have a story, don’t they?”

“Most.” I nodded. Some were horrific, but for the most part, yeah, they had their own stories on varying levels.

“Any homebound?”

“Not that I know of.” I waved her to follow me to the far corner of the room to grab the last stray towel. “How’d you get here?”

“Driver.” She blushed. “Hotel driver…limo.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her obvious embarrassment. “Is he…picking you up?”

She nodded.

“Call him and tell him not to bother. If you’re okay with it, I want to take you.”

She grinned and pulled out her phone from a zipped pouch on the back of her workout shirt. “How’d your final go?” she asked as she typed a text.

“Good. Didn’t ace it but did okay. You done for the break now, too?”

“Yep. Well, one more final tomorrow, but I’m ready.” She held up her phone and said, “Okay, you’re stuck with me.” Then she bent down and picked up the towel. “What happens now?”

“I have to clock out, then we can bolt.”

She followed me down the stairs to the main floor in silence. Every time I glanced over my shoulder, she was looking around, taking everything in. It had to be strange for her since she’d been locked up in her house for so long. She looked like a kid in a candy store.

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance