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Chapter Sixteen


“You can do this, Angelina,” Lizzie said as I stared at the iPhone. “He’s going to love it.”

“I hope so,” I said as I glanced out the backseat window. I’d been practicing for weeks, coming down to the gym where Hunter taught self-defense. Despite the awkwardness of the almost kiss that Doug had interrupted over three weeks ago, Hunter continued training me.

He’d stayed distant and superficial during our time together, but I was just glad to be hanging with him again. I’d thought for sure I’d pushed him so hard with myBall’s in your courtcomment, but I was learning he had to come to things on his own sometimes.

Well, maybe Lizzie had figured that out and told me. It’d been a long three weeks.

“So, his last final before the break was yesterday, and this is the last self-defense class before break, so you’re home free. This is an early Christmas present for him and one huge step on your part. I’m so proud of you.”

“Even though I didn’t pass that assignment you gave me way back on Halloween.”

“Good thing I allow retakes. Tonight, you’ll pass with flying colors.”

“I hope so.” I had to be either the stupidest chick alive for doing this when he’d clearly shot me down with the non-kiss, or I was a glutton for punishment.

Probably both.

“Okay. I’m going to hang up now. I’m really going to leave this car and go into that gym. There are tons of people in there.”

“After work crowds are big, I know, but you can do this. For both of us.”

“No pressure there, girl.”

“Sorry. For you…and him. You both need this.” Lizzie grinned. “Call me later. I’m waiting for deets.”

I nodded and ended the call, then slid the phone into the zipper pocket of my workout shirt and closed my eyes. I imagined walking up to the door, opening it and going straight to his teaching studio. My heart hammered, but I beat it down with a deep breath.

“Eight-thirty pick up?” the driver asked.

I threaded my arms through my light jacket and said, “I’ll call it in. Can you be on standby or are you pretty booked out?”

“No. I’m on call for you, Miss Angelina.” He smiled. “You’re going to do great.”

“Thanks.” Ever since I’d been down in the lobby more, I’d gotten to know the staff better. I’d known them all through email and video chats, but in person was even better. It was a tight little family down there, and they’d welcomed me into it with open arms.

I pushed open the door and put my feet on the concrete sidewalk.I can do this. Once out of the car, I shut the door and faced the two-story building. The top floor was nothing but windows, and I saw a small crowd beginning to form in the training studio.

Even from here, I could make out Hunter’s form. He was about a foot taller than everyone in the class, so he was easy to pick out for sure. He walked with such a confidence. I’d seen it wane during our almost kiss training session, but he’d tucked that incident way down and hadn’t mentioned anything about it again. Not to mention, he’d kept his distance on chat sessions, movie time, and texting.

I checked the street, then crossed as I repeated myI am strongmantra. I stormed in the front door and showed the temporary pass I printed from the Internet and kept on going. I’d memorized the schematics of the facility I’d downloaded, so I knew exactly where to go.

Even calculated the steps to each spot I needed to go.

Weights clanking rang out like a bells choir, and the scent of body odor and disinfectant hit me like a tidal wave. A guy wearing a weight belt walked toward me, and I slowed, veering to the side to give him lots of room to pass by. But I didn’t panic. No hammering heart. No vomiting. No fear.

I was going to be okay.

I trudged to the back of the room toward the stairwell that led up to the second floor. With each step, my excitement rose. The thought of seeing Hunter in his element made me smile. Alone with me in the conference rooms he was gentle, but firm. He pushed me, challenging me enough to keep me going, keep me focused.

Finally to the top of the stairs, I faced a row of treadmills to get to the entrance to the room. I smoothed my track jacket down, hoping I’d not pitted out too much. Not only had I ventured out, but I’d worn a shirt that exposed the scar on my shoulder. Talk about a double whammy for sure. The dark thing was such a contrast to my pale skin, but I was bound and determined to take the next step with him. Show him I could be strong enough for the both of us until he came to his senses and let me in.

Of course, I still wore long sleeves to cover my wrist scars…I wasn’t quite ready to show them off to the world yet.

Hunter had to have seen some of this ugly shoulder scar during our training sessions, I wasn’t totally oblivious to the times when my shirt gaped, but he never asked about it. I knew he wanted to know, but I had to respect the guy from refraining.

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance