Page 49 of Limitless

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But to go a full mile…

“Think about it.” He smiled.

He really wanted to see me succeed. I’d never had someone so entirely in my court like this. Jenna and Lizzie, sure, but Hunter was live and in person…this was so much better.

I gently gripped his chest, and his eyes widened. Beneath my palm, his heart started racing. Had mine not been pounding equally as hard, I probably could have heard his. Instead, I focused on the feeling of his chest palpitating against my palm. His heat filtered through the thin fabric separating me from him and warmed me right down to the tips of my toes.

“Lina,” he whispered. “We should get back to the lesson.”

“Yeah, probably,” I said, not moving an inch. I was too close to his warmth. I loved the feel of his heart beating beneath my hand. I loved the strength flowing from him to me. I loved his stormy scent. It empowered me as it fused into my pores.

He didn’t move either, though, so that was a good sign. Lizzie had given me myassignmentweeks ago at the Kiddie Halloween event, but now, more than any other time, I wanted to complete it. To kiss Hunter. Once such a scary thing to even consider, but now, my body warmed at the idea.

No, it heated at the idea of Hunter. He was this big, imperfect, totally sweet guy who chose to spend his free time with me.With me!

The black pupil ate up his violet-blue iris. His chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, and he looked out the window. Why was he fighting this? Couldn’t he feel it between us? That no dating rule was stupid. He knew it. I knew it.

And for once, I thought maybe I might have something to give him. I was still broken, but much better than the wimpy mess he’d found in an elevator all those weeks ago.

He looked down at me, and I gripped his pecs even more as I rose to my tip toes. “Lina,” he whispered.

“Let me try this,” I said. “I want to try this with you, Hunter.”

“No. I—”

“I trust you.”

“That’s from lack of options, Lina. There are better men for you. Now that you’re out and about you can meet one.”

“I want you.” More than anything I’d ever wanted.

He closed his eyes, and his jaw clenched. “No, you don’t. You want the idea of me. I’m not who you think I am. You shouldn’t trust me.”

“I do trust you.” I slid my hands up the deep valley between his pecs to his neck. Oh, God his skin was so smooth…and warm. I could melt into him and get lost for an eternity.

“I’m…not…safe.” His jaw was tight, and his eyes flared with a hint of danger mixed in with the desire.

I knew he wanted me, too. Why was he fighting it?

“You would never hurt me.”

He grabbed my wrists, and I thought he was going to pull away from beneath my touch. Instead, he smoothed his big hands up my arms until they rested on my shoulders. He leaned forward, and I pushed up even more.

Inches separated us, and I knew this was it. My first kiss in three years eight weeks and one day. And it would be with a man who’d totally and unexpectedly rocked my world. A man who made me feel safe, treasured, and…normal.

I didn’t care what his past was like or what he’d done as an Ultimate Fighter. He was who I wanted. He was mine.

Our breath mingled, flirted as he hesitated an inch before contact. He was so close I could almost feel his lips touching mine, and they tingled in anticipation. Just one push up, and I could taste him. No fear. No regrets. Only strength. He was my hope.

“Angelina, I—”

A man’s voice sliced through our moment, and Hunter whirled around, keeping me behind him.

Doug froze in the doorway, his eyes wide and his mouth open. He stepped back, but who wouldn’t with a massive guy like Hunter staring you down? Sure, Doug was over fifteen feet from us, but Hunter was so big it didn’t matter.

I gripped his bicep as I stepped out from behind him. “Hey, Doug.”

“Sorry…I—there’s something I need your help with.”

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance