Page 28 of Limitless

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ThatI could control—for the most part—by working off the pressure in the gym and taking arctic showers. But when I came here, I had a tough time controlling the rage. Mom had told me several times to ditch this job, but despite the triggers for my violence, I was good at it. And this was a prime place to help people who needed it.

After what I’d done two years ago while drunk and at a bar, I had a lot of sins to make up for, so I was going to stay, no matter what.

“Oh, Hunter.” Sarah, one of the waitresses, came running out. “Your eye.”

I already felt the pulse and pressure. It was going to be a good shiner. The prick got a cheap shot on me. He was lucky Drey came before I unpacked the right hook that’d taken down one of the top Ultimate Fighters I’d faced a couple of years ago.

Iwas lucky. That monster could never come out again. Never.

The tall, skinny waitress stopped in front of me and reached for my face. I backed out of range, and she frowned. “Let me look at it.”

“Nothing to see. I’m fine.”

“Sarah, can you go get him some ice?” Drey asked.

She slouched and tossed Drey a glare. I’d known for a while Sarah had a thing for me, but the skinny flirt wasn’t for me. I’d seen her go through more guys than I could count. Working here she’d seen me at my worst and still chased after me, but I knew it was for other reasons. Ones I didn’t dare jump into with her—or any woman.

The back door burst open, and all three hundred and fifty pounds of Bill leapt through as if ready to pound on someone. Probably me.

“Hunter. Office. Now.” He glanced at the now unconscious guy on the ground. “Shit.”

I pushed off Drey and stormed around Sarah. “I’ll get my own ice.”

“Hunter, you need a doctor,” Drey said.

“I’m fine.” I yanked the door open with my left hand as my right hand cupped my side. The blood was starting to gather in my palm. Dang, it was deeper than I thought.

I hurried to the bar and got a towel of ice, then headed toward Bill’s office while he handled the guy I’d hammered. The red filtered back into my sight. I needed to get this beast in check and fast.

My phone vibrated, indicating a text, and I pulled it out of my front pocket.Lina.

Instantly my focus shifted, drawn directly to her and what she might need. Breathing became infinitely easier, and the weight on my chest that much lighter. I wasn’t sure how she did that to me, by merely texting me, but I needed it—her—like a drug.

This was not good. No way could I become dependent on her. It’d end badly. But damn if I didn’t get all giddy like a horny teenager at the thought of seeing her later. Even if it was only on a video screen.

“Nice going, buddy. That guy was a prick,” someone yelled out.

Another slapped my shoulder and said, “Nice job taking out the trash.”

I hated how that pumped me up, but it did—big time. Yeah, the guy was a douche, but I’d really hammered him, and that wasn’t right. My switch flipped when I saw him hurting that girl, and I was right back in that damn cage ready to tear heads off.

I checked my phone and read the text from Lina.

How’s work going?

I swiped the message and entered my code, then typed.Fine. How was your exam?

Aced it. *happy dance*

More reason to celebrate tomorrow night. You still up for coming over?

Not sure it’s a celebration, I choked last night.

But you went farther than you thought you would. You deserve it.

So, anything fun going on at work?

Nice deflection, Lina.I laughed. She was a feisty little thing.7:00. Be there.

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance