Page 26 of Limitless

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Chapter Eight


The doors kept turning, and I moved farther out to give Hunter room to step out. I stood there, hands fisted at my side, breathing in the cool air, and I felt Hunter beside me.

“Beautiful out, isn’t it?”

I looked up at him and smiled. Hewas the one who was beautiful. Strong. And I’d never felt more powerful because of it. What I appreciated the most was how he treated me like I was normal even though I wasn’t in the same stratosphere as normal.

But right now, as I stood outside, I did feel a bit closer to normal. Well, closer than I had in the past three years, one month and seven days.

“How’s it feel?”

“Totally and completely indescribable. I mean, I’ve been out on the patio lots of times now, but this…standing out here? It’s freaking fantastic.” I lifted my face skyward and put my arms out as I took in a deep breath. The refreshing cool invigorated my body. My muscles. My soul.

“You kicked your goal’s ass. You know that right?”

“I made it mybeeotch.”

He laughed, a from-the-gut-laugh that echoed off the building across the street, laugh. I couldn’t help but join him, his joy was so contagious. I leaned forward and grabbed my stomach as I fell into the laughter. Tears welled as I gasped for air.

This whole getting-out-of-the-house-thing might be possible after all. I mean, I was already out of the house yeah, but even more. Maybe someday soon I’d make agoraphobia mybeeotch, too.

Tears streamed over my cheek as I laughed. There might have been a few in there for Lizzie. I wish she could be here with me, too.

Hunter finally stood straight and looked down at me. Dang, he had to be about a foot taller than me, but he didn’t scare me in the least. I glanced down at his hand and remembered what I’d said earlier. “Can I have my reward?”

He stopped, his face suddenly serious, then looked around before planting his focus directly on me. “I’m thinking this momentous occasion calls for a serious candy corn binge.”

“I don’t want candy. Not with this.” I stepped toward him, focusing on my strength. My success. “I told you what I wanted. Is it okay?”

“I’d like that. If you’re okay with it.”

I nodded. Dang, he was so respectful. He offered his hand, palm up, to me. It was so big, and part of his tattoo sleeve wrapped around his wrist low enough that his jacket didn’t cover it. He wore three rings, the thickest one was around his thumb, and it was silver with something etched into it that I couldn’t quite make out.

The style fit him, though.

I touched the center of his palm with my fingertips, then slid my fingers over and threaded them through his. We both curled our fingers, sealing the connection, and a wave of warmth flooded up my wrist.

Oh yeah, that was the best reward for meeting my goal. Kicked candy corn’s butt by a mile. Other than when I’d grabbed his wrist in the elevator, I’d not had physical contact with a man in over three years.

Slowly, he brought our connected hands up toward his face. Never breaking eye contact with me, he gently pressed his lips to the back of my knuckles. “I’m proud of you, Lina.”

The gentle touch of his lips to my skin sent a shiver along my spine. Yeah, it was cold out here and I only wore a thermal long-sleeved shirt, but I hadn’t shivered because of that.

Yes. I was going to beat this thing. Finally, I saw hope at the end of the tunnel. It happened to be in the form of Hunter, but still. I saw hope. I would beat this so I could be with him. I wanted him more than I’d thought now that I’d seen him in person. So caring, strong—

Headlights flashed in my peripheral vision, and I looked up the street. An SUV with their lights on bright zoomed toward us.

No.No. No.Instantly my chest tightened. My vision tilted.Inside. Need to get…inside.

“What’s next? Want to walk a little?”

“Inside. Inside. Inside.” I stumbled back toward the revolving door, loosening my hold on him. “Hunter…” My voice cracked. The corners of my vision faded into black.Breathe, Angelina. Breathe.“Sober. So What. Fucking Perfect. Stupid Girls.”

“Okay. We’re going. Look at me, Lina. Look at me.” Hunter tightened his grip on my hand. “No one will hurt you. Not while I’m around.”

His smile alleviated the anxiety vise gripping my chest, but not all the way. I pushed through the revolving doors and burst into the lobby. Once a place that freaked me out now calmed me. Anything was better than seeing those headlights.

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance