Page 21 of Limitless

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I’d read up on the small event. It was something the hotel did every year for some kids from a local church down the street.

“That’s a great goal, Lina.” We had three days to make it happen. Three whole days. Shit, I had class this week and an exam this Friday. Didn’t matter. I’d work it in if she’d let me help.

“But first…”

I sat up when she didn’t continue. “Lina?”

“I love it when you call me that.” Her voice was so quiet, I wasn’t sure I’d heard correctly.

The sound of a deadbolt sliding had me to my feet, staring at her door. A second lock slid and then a third. My hands went sweaty, and I took another step back. The last thing she needed, if she was really going to open the door this time, was my massive body filling in the doorway.

I wanted to say something to encourage her, but I didn’t dare. I didn’t want to break the zone she might be in.

The doorknob turned, but nothing happened.Come on. You’re so close. Come on, Lina.I stepped away more, until my back met the wall across from her door. “Lina,” I whispered. “You can do it.”

The door cracked open, and I saw a sliver of dim light and a portion of the couch I’d set her on all those weeks ago. “Hunter?” her voice was like a song. No muffling from the video feed or the door between us.

I almost didn’t answer so I could hear it again, but I didn’t want her to think I’d bolted. “I’m here.”

The door opened another two inches. Slender fingers curled around the wood panel, slightly above the handle. The fingernails were nearly white for how hard the fingers were gripping the door.

It took every ounce of my strength to not rush the door and grab her hands to let her know I was here. To give her some of my strength.

“Talk about something.”

“I’m not really sure what to say. The thought of seeing you, in real life, has kind of scrambled my brain. But I will say you have nice fingers.”Nice fingers? Nice one, dumbass.

“You’re doing okay right now, actually. I’m…kind of excited to see you, too.”

Had I known she was going to do this, I would have dressed in more than my jogging pants and jacket. I probably looked like a thug.

“Is Lizzie on the phone with you?”



“No. Just me and you. Can you handle it?”

“Hell yeah.” I stepped closer. “I really want to touch your hand.”

“Um…” It slid from my view.

“Wait. I won’t. I’m sorry.”Son of a bitch. I should keep my mouth shut.

I heard her drag in a deep breath. “It’s okay.” The fingers reappeared, then the back of her hand and…the door opened wider.

A set of dark brown eyes hidden beneath long lashes peeked around the corner. She eased out as she urged the door more open. Standing straight, she was taller than I’d expected. The one night I’d seen her, I’d held her in my arms, so I didn’t get a great view.

A tight blue Under Armour shirt gloved her runner-slim body. The V-neck came together at her chest, showing a subtle hint of her curves. And it sent my body humming.

She wore black jeans that hugged her narrow hips and skinny legs, and were tucked into black, ankle-high boots.

“Lina,” I said as the air streamed from my chest. She was beautiful. Her light hair draped over her shoulders, resting on her chest, and like I’d seen her do tons of times on video chats, she bit her bottom lip.

The action was even more devastating in person and cranked my body a notch tighter. Good thing my long shirt covered the embarrassing evidence that I was saluting at her beauty.

“Um…” She glanced to the side. “Hi.”

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance