Page 120 of Limitless

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“You know what’s going on, don’t you?”

I nodded, biting my bottom lip. “I think…that guy might have been his dad.”

“No waythatwas his dad. I can’t explain it, Angelina, but that guy who came looking for Hunter reminded me of the psychopaths I’d met up with in prison. No life in those eyes. Only…evil.”

“Look. It isn’t my story to tell but trust me, that guy very possibly could have been his dad. Can you drive faster?”

The car lurched forward as Bill cursed, and a need to get to Hunter tumbled through my stomach. I needed to get word to Marshal. I leaned to the side and dug out my phone to call George. He was following behind us in his own car, but he could reach Hunter’s handler.

“Shit!” Bill hammered the steering wheel, and I looked up.

People scampered through the street, screaming from what I could hear through the closed windows. There was a small crowd near the alley of the club, including Drey. I recognized his spiked, black hair right away.


“Okay, here’s how it’s going to play out. You stay right by me. I’m going to hold your hand, and you need to be okay with that.”

“I am.”

“And you will not leave my side. I know you’re not comfortable in crowds or with people touching you, but you have to trust me. I won’t hurt you.”

I gulped as I nodded. “George…he’s here, too.”

“Climb over the center console and come out my door.” He pushed his door open and scanned the area as I propped myself on my seat to get ready to climb over.

He reached back with his meaty hand and showed me his palm. “Take it, and don’t you dare let go. No matter what.”

I shifted to his seat and grabbed his hand. He guided me to my feet, eyes scanning everywhere, and pulled me close to his back as he stepped forward.

“Angelina,” George said from behind me. “I’m going to put my hand on your shoulder.”

I nodded. “George, this is Bill. Bill, George.” They both grunted their greetings.

“EMTs and Marshal are three minutes away. Angelina, get yourself ready.”

Bill slowed his movement and asked, “Ready for what?”

“It’s Hunter. He’s down.”

“No!” I went to let go of Bill’s hand, but he held on tighter. “Bill. Hurry.” Tears pricked at my eyes like acid-laced needles.

Breathe, Angelina. Just breathe.

The commotion buzzing around the bar was overwhelming, storming through my mind and tightening my chest.

I peeked around Bill’s side as we stepped off the curb.

“Bill!” Drey yelled as he took off toward us. “Angelina.”

“What’s going on?” Bill asked.

“It’s Hunter. He’s…he’s been stabbed.”

“Oh my gosh!” I yelled and darted out from behind Bill, but he didn’t let me go.

George’s grip tightened as well. “Hold on, Angelina. Drey. Take her side. We’re moving slow.”

“Who the hell are you?”

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance