Page 111 of Limitless

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“Yeah. Shit going on at home. Thanks.” I hoisted my bag over my shoulder and hiked it up the rest of the stairs to the top exit. A few stairs down, and I was on the main floor headed toward the building entrance.

It would be dark soon, so I’d like to get in the car and home quick. I rounded the corner into the tunnel that led to the main entrance when I rammed shoulders with someone. A quick turn, and I swiped the legs out from whomever I rammed into. He grunted but cuffed my ankle and pulled. I was too heavy to topple with that move, but it was a good reaction on his part. He was trained.

I knelt, pinning him to the ground with my knee and grabbed his throat. “George?”

I rolled off him and yanked him to his feet. He coughed. “Marshal said you were good, but shit, man.”

“What’s wrong? Lina okay?” I shook him.

“Come on.” He yanked me back to where I’d come from.

Around the corner he put his back to the wall and pushed me with him. “She’s coming.”

“What the hell is going on? You just texted me telling me she was fine.”

“She is, stupid. She’s just not at home.”

“Start talking right this second or I’m going to bust a gasket.” I gulped through the rage thrumming my veins. Slow down. Slow. Slow.

“She’s been practicing this past week. Made it to campus today.”


George peeked around the corner. “Shut it. She doesn’t know I’m here. I tailed her along with Rick and James. We got her covered, man.”

“But she doesn’t know.”

“You kidding me. She almost used her kick ass boots to kick me in the balls when I’d mentioned I would be watching over her as she did this.”

I laughed. So, she was wearing her kick ass boots, huh? I wondered what else she was wearing, and I absolutely hated the fact that George knew about her kick ass boots in the first place. Hated the fact that he’d had more contact with her than I had.

“Okay. She’s coming.” He backed us up.

“What’s her plan?”

“Attending her first class.”

“What? At night? How the hell are you even considering letting her do that?”

“There’s no stopping her, man. She’s like a force to be reckoned with.” He shook his head. “There. Around the corner of the little post office. Her room is 212.”

We bolted up ahead, and I held my breath. Lina walked around the corner, her head held high and her back straight. She looked like Lara Croft right off the Tomb Raider movie with her black pants, black kick ass boots, a white shirt under her black leather jacket. Her confidence held an angry edge, though, and her brown eyes a little colder.

Her lips drew my attention as she nibbled her bottom lip, the only sign of her insecurity. I checked her hand, wondering if she’d worn the ring I’d given her.

She had. Her thumb rubbed the silver band constantly, and that gave me a sense of pride thinking she might be rubbing that for courage. Even after hurting her so badly and her refusing to talk to me, she still used our rings for strength.

What I wouldn’t do to put this other ring on her finger…but that seemed a distant dream right now considering I’d been reduced to hiding to catch a glimpse of her.

“You said she’s been practicing all week?”

“Swore me to silence.”

“Shit, George. Are you kidding me?”

“No, man. But don’t worry. I’ve had men on her every step.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Marshal’s calling.”

“Take it. I’ll watch.”

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance