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Chapter Thirty-Three


I sat in class staring at my phone more than listening to the psychology of deviant sex offenders. If only Lina would call, text, anything. It could be a totally cursing, yelling, whatever interaction, I didn’t care, as long as I heard something from her.

It’d been two weeks since Marshal and his team of gun-toting morons had ruined things for me and Lina. Two weeks that her engagement ring had been burning a hole in my pocket. I kept it with me 24/7. It made me feel closer to her somehow.

I couldn’t blame Marshal and his team, though. This was my fault. First, it was my fault for letting her in, second, by not telling her way back during Christmas when I’d decided to.


“Dude. You’re going to break the desk,” Jose said as he smacked my shoulder.

My free hand was gripping the armrest so hard I heard metal groaning. I checked my phone one more time, then set it face down on the desktop. Tanking this class wasn’t an option so I needed to get focused.

I glanced to the door and saw one of my permanent escorts standing there, hands clasped in front of him at the main door. Marshal promised I’d only have a guard for a week …two weeks ago. Not to mention Lina’s guard. He never moved from her door. Probably because she’d not left.

Not once.

I’d set her back so badly.Damn it. What could I do to get her out of her house? She only had a couple of months until graduation to get on campus here and the walk-through ceremonies. I couldn’t let her miss that goal because I fucked up.

My phone vibrated, and I whipped it over.

Just a text from Marshal.

We’re fine.

I’d sworn him to three texts a day telling me they were okay. He’d been religious about it and that both reassured me and pissed me off. He was with Mom. Knew where she was, and I didn’t. It was the first time since we’d run from dad that I wasn’t in control.

And it sucked monkey balls!

“Let me guess. A chick dumped you.” Jose snickered as he faced the professor.

Only ten more minutes until class was over, then I was headed straight to Lina’s to sit outside her door again. I hated that she was stuck in her house, even more because I was the cause of it.

My phone vibrated again, and it was a text from Drey.

Stansey called in sick. You up for a shift?

Dang it. I should take this shift, but instead I typed,Can’t, got plans.

Say Hi to Angelina,he replied.

He and Bill didn’t know about our breakup, and I sure as shit wasn’t going to tell them. I’d been scarce at work these past two weeks because I didn’t need Dad showing up there. Then again, maybe that’d be good. Bill, Drey and I would take him out.

Yeah, I could tell Bill. That guy had been through some rough shit with his murder case and time in prison. He might have some advice. Maybe I should go in today after all.

I tapped a new message open to George, the guy guarding Lina’s door.Okay?

A few seconds later I got a reply,Good.

So, everyone was safe at the moment. Yeah, I should go into work. I opened a message to Drey.Dude. I can do it.

Sweet. See you soon.

I glanced at the time. I’d have just enough to get home, changed and to the club. While it sucked Lina was homebound again, I was glad she wasn’t out and about. If I was watching every shadow, checking every alley, I couldn’t imagine how she’d be.

I breezed through class without hearing another word, and as I was packing up my back to leave Jose asked, “Seriously, man. You cool?”

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance