Page 101 of Limitless

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“You just heard the extent of it.”

I couldn’t help but smile at his smile. He was so happy his face nearly glowed. He’d really wanted me to come down here, hadn’t he?

Drey came strutting toward us. “Dude, sorry I missed it. You surprised?” He punched Hunter in the shoulder.

“You were in on this?”

“Hell yeah. Me and your girl, we’re tight.” He nodded toward me.

Hunter quirked an eyebrow up, still smiling of course.

“I called in, talked to him and Bill to work it out.” I smiled big and said, “Surprise!”

“This is the best ever.”

“Dang, you really do have him whipped. He’s like a giddy little girl.”

Hunter punched Drey in the gut, then pushed him in the chest. “Zip it, douche bag.”

I laughed as I stepped closer to Hunter. It sure was getting full in here. I hadn’t thought a bar would be a choice place to bring a Valentine for a date or romantic evening. Clearly, I was wrong. The room sort of closed in about three notches tighter over the past ten minutes.

The DJ cut in and said, “For all you love birds out there…enjoy.”

The familiar song,Until The End Of Time,poured out the speakers, and I heard a few squeals as couples jumped up.

“Is this your doing, too?” Hunter asked.

I nodded and said, “Wanna dance?”


“Drey, grab us some Cokes and block off a VIP section?”

“Already done, dude,” he said, pointing to the second-floor loft area overlooking the dance floor. “Just don’t make me give up my Man Card for setting all this up. On second thought, I should take yours!”

“Ass,” he said guiding me toward the floor.

“Wow. He’s hilarious,” I said.

“Good guy.” He spun me around then drew me into his big arms. “Lina, this is mind-blowing. How’d you do all this? I’m…shocked.”

“Over the last month I’ve been working at it.”

“I was wondering what was going on with you. I knew something was up but couldn’t quite put my finger on it.”

“And here I thought I was hiding it so well.”

He pulled me so close I had to straddle his leg. He held me tight for the entire song and well into the next one before he loosened his hold a fraction. It was like he was holding on for dear life. I loved it, but something about it felt off. Like maybe he was afraid I’d have a meltdown or something.

I hated he always had to worry about me.

“I thought the guy was the one who was supposed to go all romantic for the girl on Valentine’s Day?”

“I kind of make that difficult with all my…quirks, you know?”

He smiled.

“You must get sick of that.”

Tags: Lynn Rush Romance