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“Why don’t we stop the car and go somewhere where we can talk?” she suggests.

I spin around in the seat and catch sight of a small country pub to our left. “McKenzie, stop the car.”


“Chelsea, open the door,” I call, my fist pummelling the hard wood. She doesn’t answer, and instead of waiting like a normal person, I push my key into the lock and let myself in.

I almost trip over the suitcases that are stacked in front of the door. I push them aside and make my way into the open-plan lounge. I know someone is here from the scent of toast lingering in the air. The TV plays but has been muted, and all I can hear is the sound of running water coming from Chelsea’s bedroom. I make my way to the door, about to take the handle, when fingers wrap around my shoulders and pull me back.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

I turn and come face to face with Chelsea’s roomie, Tyler.

“I need to see her,” I say, and, rolling my shoulder free from his hold, I attempt to enter the bedroom.

“If you set one foot inside that room, I will kill you.”

I turn and laugh at Tyler’s threat. “I would love to see you try.” I fish out my wallet and pass him a crisp fifty-pound note. “I would appreciate it if you could give us some privacy. Why don’t you go somewhere and buy yourself something nice?”

The note falls from between his fingers and floats down to the floor. Tyler shoves me away from the door and my back crashes against the wall. I clench my fist, about to react, when Tyler continues. “She was meant to be at her best friend’s wedding today, but is unable to go. Lucian, she’s had a breakdown.”

I unclench my fist. “What do you mean?”

“What I mean is your cousin has done a real number on her. So much so, he has not only sparked her OCD, but she has been unable to leave the flat this entire time in fear of bumping into him.”

Anger courses the length of my body because I know that when everything is said and done, Josh will regret ever crossing me.

“I had no idea. Josh’s lies and deceit have recently been brought to my attention. Please, I just want to speak to her. I just want to make this right.”

Tyler shakes his head. “You can’t, she isn’t in the right headspace at the moment. With the help of her therapist, we have convinced Chelsea she needs to get away. She needs a change of scenery before it’s too late.”

I gaze at the suitcases stacked by the door. “Where are you going?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m taking her to Paris for the week. I’ve been a shitty friend, and because of me the money we saved for our trip was stolen. Chelsea is in a real dark place, and she needs me now more than ever.”

“I will drop everything and come with you,” I say, not giving a damn about the meeting or the company.

Tyler shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Lucian, but you are the last thing she needs right now.”

How I want to shove Tyler aside and tear down the door and take Chelsea away, far away. But in doing so, will I cause more hurt and more damage? If it’s time away she needs, it’s time away she will get. “Please, allow me to help.” I open my wallet.

Tyler places his hand over mine. “I have all we need.”

I nod, and Tyler backs away. “Tell her I will be back when you return. Just let me know where and when.”

He lets out a long breath. “The Grovers Hotel, in two weeks.”

I glance at the bedroom door one final time. The sound of running water still filters through the small opening. “Great. I’ll see you there.”

I clap Tyler on the shoulder and make my way to the hall to leave when Chelsea calls after me. “For our leaving party.”

I still at the sound of her voice and at her words. “Your leaving party?”

“Yes. Your cousin is kicking us out,” Tyler explains.

“He can’t do that.” I turn my attention to Chelsea. She looks so small swallowed up in a huge blue robe. Her hair has been secured in a towel, and that’s when I notice the pale purple scar on her forehead from her falling off Jupiter. I want nothing more than to run my finger over the slight imperfection.

“Chelsea,” I whisper.

Tags: Laura Riley Billionaire Romance