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I force a smile as the top part of the bed is lowered and I am once again lying down. I force a smile though my heart is breaking in my chest, and I force a smile knowing what it is I have to do.

I open my mouth, about to speak, when Lucian’s phone starts to vibrate.

He swipes his finger across the screen and holds it up to his ear. “Josh, your ears must have been burning. We were just talking about you.”

I shut my eyes, and fist the sheet. Of all people to call, of course it would be Josh. No doubt he was hoping I was seriously injured or worse.

“Thanks to you, she’s doing well. I cannot thank you enough—”

“Cut the call,” I croak out. Lucian seemingly hasn’t heard me as he continues chatting to Josh.

“I’m sure she’d be happy to speak to you, but make it quick. She’s about to get some rest.”

I crack open an eye, and sure enough, Lucian is holding the phone for me to take. All I can see is Josh looming closer, and all I can hear are the threats he made. My body begins to tremble as I recoil and push Lucian’s hand away. “Didn’t you hear me? I said cut the damn call.”

My heart hurts knowing Lucian will remember the final moments we spent together were of me snapping at him.

Without question, Lucian cuts the call. “Forgive me, I wasn’t thinking. You need rest.”

He pushes his phone into his trouser pocket and then crouches down to place a kiss on my lips, though before his lips make contact with mine I turn my head to the side. As his lips linger on my cheek my stomach knots and a pain like no other courses through my body. I’m trembling—no, shaking in his hold because my whole world is shattering and there isn’t a single thing I can do to stop it.

His lips leave my cheek, and I can feel him leaning over me. His breaths glide over my face in warm waves. I know he’s close, and it’s for that reason I can’t bring myself to meet his gaze.

“Is everything okay?” he asks.

No, and it never will be again.

“It’s over,” I whisper as I force myself to make eye contact with him.

Lucian frowns and leans a little closer. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.”

“It’s over,” I say with more certainty. My eyes burn from the tears I am keeping back. Whatever happens, I won’t allow him to see me cry.

“This? Us? We are not over because, my dear, we haven’t even begun.”

I sit up on my elbows, trying to exude a little confidence. “But it’s going to end eventually. What about our arrangement?”

“Fuck the arrangement.” Lucian’s voice cracks. “You are mine and you are going nowhere. Do you hear me, Chelsea Janssen? You are mine.” He stands tall and dusts his jacket down. “You’ve had a nasty fall; you aren’t thinking clearly—”

He may have heard, but he hasn’t listened to a single thing I have said. I could try telling him again, but what good would that do?

“Why don’t you get some rest while I pop back to my Surrey estate to pick up some of your things?”

“Okay, Lucian.”

Lucian leaving isn’t the worst idea. But I can’t watch him walk out of the door, and out of my life, so I turn my head and look in the opposite direction.

All I hear is the soft tap of his footfalls and the click of the door as it shuts behind him. I sink back in the bed and allow myself this small window of time to grieve.

“Goodbye, Lucian.”


I’m in our bedroom packing a small overnight bag. Our conversation in the hospital room plays over and over in my mind. I have to remind myself Chelsea received a nasty blow to the head and wasn’t in the right frame of mind, and it’s for this reason that I deemed it best to give her space. But try as I might, I can’t shift this feeling of unease I have growing in the pit of my stomach. I start off by folding each item of clothing neatly, but it isn’t long until I’m throwing them into the bag

When her bag is packed, I make my way out of the house to where the Mercedes is parked. I slide onto the back seat. McKenzie’s gaze meets mine in the rear-view mirror.

“Back to the hospital, sir?”

Tags: Laura Riley Billionaire Romance