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“It’s not the outfit, it’s just… won’t it be a little warm?” I ask, thinking how much hotter it is in the States than the U.K.

Tyler shakes his head. “I’m not planning on wearing much of anything,” he says with an exaggerated wink.

I smile but know Tyler can see through my façade. “I’m going to miss you,” I admit.

Pushing the suitcase aside, Tyler flops onto the bed and taps the empty space to his right. Straight-backed, I sit beside him and welcome the arm he wraps around my shoulder, pulling me into his chest. I relish the warmth and feeling of safety he packs into his hugs.

“Come with me,” he says.

I gasp and look up. “What?”

“You heard. Come with me. Mason has a roomie. Patrick is hot and one hundred percent heterosexual.”

I consider his words for a moment, but quickly shake my head. “Neither you nor I have that kind of spare cash just lying around.”

It’s not a lie. I’m broke and have been living on the little savings I have. But savings only stretch so far, and I can’t afford to waste a single penny.

Tyler taps the end of his nose. “Let’s just say I’ve stumbled upon a rather substantial windfall.”

I laugh, though Tyler does not. “What windfall?”

“A little something from my parents.” Tyler wags his brows, and I gather that is all I am going to get out of him for now. Our eye contact is unbroken, and he clears his throat. “So, what do you say?”

A trip across the pond would be amazing, and travelling is something I want to do in the future, but now is not the time to be swanning off when I have so much to sort in England. “I start my new job today; it wouldn’t look good if I ask for time off already.”

“I have no idea why you accepted a job milking cows—”

I narrow my eyes and fight the grin tugging at my lips. “I am not…”

“—when you have a perfectly good job here.”

A job I don’t get paid for.

Burt, Tyler’s father, owns the building, and Tyler manages the clothing boutique downstairs. There are aisles for everything from vintage to glamorous. Like him, his taste in clothes is a little on the eccentric side.

Tyler offered me a part-time position when I moved in, and I was grateful for the hours and extra cash. That was until another clothing boutique opened across the street and Sparkle for Men’s profits took a nosedive. How quickly I went from getting a reduction in pay to working ‘voluntarily’. Tyler would recompense me by covering the rent and bills. But it isn’t the same as having money in my pocket when I need it, and I need money now more than ever.

“I’ll still help out downstairs,” I tell him, but he knows I can’t help out forever. “Once the work on my salon is complete, I won’t need to work at the farm. It’s only a temporary summer job.”

“Forget about the farm, come with. What an adventure we’ll have. You can stay for a few weeks and be back with more than enough time for your best friend’s wedding.” Tyler nudges his elbow into my side. “What do you say?”

I smile, because although Tyler may have listened, he hasn’t heard a single word I’ve said. “Look—”

Tyler places his finger over my lips. “Promise me you’ll think about it.”

I don’t speak for a second, I just stare into his eyes. His blue irises are the colour of sapphires, framed by long sweeping lashes. His skin is bronzed, his lips full, he’s so attractive it isn’t fair. He’s beautiful inside and out, and I know he’ll make some guy very happy one day. Selfishly, I don’t want that day to be anytime soon. I like what we have and I’m not ready to lose it yet. “Okay, I promise.” I nod and try to sound genuine.

Tyler stands and continues packing his suitcase, occasionally trying on outfits to garner my approval. With a feathered boa draped around his shoulders, he prances around the room as though he’s on the catwalk.

After showcasing the entire contents of his suitcase, Tyler strips down to his boxers and pulls out the tiniest pair of swim trunks I think I’ve ever seen. With his fingers gripping the waistband of his briefs he begins working them down, and that’s my cue to leave.

I jump off the bed and hurry from the bedroom, grabbing my denim jacket from the arm of the sofa as I pass through the open-plan lounge.

“Got to run,” I call, stuffing my arm into my jacket sleeve.

“Already? A little keen, aren’t we?”

I hear Tyler’s words, and as I turn I notice him standing in the doorway of the bedroom, stark naked.

Tags: Laura Riley Billionaire Romance