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It’s two am by the time we say our goodbyes and head home. Malachi and Louise left the gala early and arranged with Lucian to take the Mercedes, leaving Lucian, myself, Farrah and her bodyguard no option than to share the Range Rover.

We leave the grand lobby through the turnstile doors and wait to be picked up by Lucian’s driver. We stand at the front of the hotel, but there isn’t a Range Rover anywhere in sight.

“Perhaps he’s just running late?” I say, looking left and then right.

“No. McKenzie is never late.” Lucian whips out his phone and presses the screen to his ear. It rings for a while, and from the look on Lucian’s face I imagine the call has been diverted to voicemail.

“McKenzie, we’re outside the hotel. And guess what, you’re not. I suggest that if you want to keep your position you get your backside here, and fast.”

Lucian cuts the call, and I take his hand. “That really isn’t necessary.”

“He’ll be parked in the car park,” Dante chimes in. “It isn’t too far, we can walk.”

Lucian’s jaw ticks as he glares at his sister. “In the state she’s managed to get herself in? I thought you were hired to keep an eye on her,” he scoffs, his nostrils flaring.

Dante shrugs. “She had a few glasses of champagne. It’s no big deal.”

“No big deal? She’s seventeen.” Lucian’s voice rises, and I suspect this is as close as I’m going to get to hearing him shout.

Dante stands tall and straightens his shoulders. “Tell me, Lucian, did you wait tillyouwere eighteen to enjoy your first alcoholic drink?”

Lucian doesn’t answer.

“Your father pays me to keep your sister safe and out of harm’s way. Not to be her moral compass.”

I can feel the testosterone levels rising and quickly intervene before there’s a fight. “She’s fine. All she needs is some fresh air and a good night’s sleep. Come on, Farrah.”

The sky is tranquil and dark, lit up with sporadic twinkling stars. It’s the perfect time to get fresh air. I walk ahead with Farrah, who may have had a glass of champagne too many. With her arm draped heavily around my shoulders, I attempt to steer her in a straight line. I don’t think I’m doing too bad of a job, though my feet throb with each step I take and my calves burn. When Marvin asked if I could walk in heels I answered yes, but what I’m not used to is standing for hours on end whilst balancing precariously on two ridiculously thin six-inch points.

“Where’s my handbag?” Farrah slurs.

“On your arm,” I tell her and hoist her up.

“Did you catch the name of the thief who stole my designer bags?”

I laugh. “I think you mean bought. And no, I didn’t catch their name.”

“Pity.” Farrah stumbles, and I struggle to support her weight.

“Here, allow me,” a voice says from behind, and Dante appears at her side. He leans down and scoops her up effortlessly in his muscular arms. Her body goes limp and the second she is secure in his hold she allows her head to fall into the crook of his arm. I can’t miss the subtle smile that tugs at her lips. I don’t need to be a body language expert to know she is milking this moment for all it’s worth. She may be obscenely rich and live a sheltered life, but Farrah Calloway is nobody’s fool. Her long ebony locks hang over Dante’s arm as he marches off in front.

I can see Lucian in my periphery as he quickens his pace. It isn’t until we are walking side by side that he falls into a leisurely stroll. Without a word he snakes an arm around my back, his hand resting comfortably on my waist.

How easily the lines blur. Tonight, Lucian held my hand, and I held his. He wrapped his arm around me, and I let him. And then there was that kiss. I went to the gala tonight with a mask of pretence firmly in place, but as the gala drew to an end the mask had fallen and I was no longer pretending.

“I don’t like how Dante is holding my sister,” Lucian states, talking to me as if him having his arm around me is perfectly normal.

“He’s helping her to the car,” I remind him, very aware that we are alone and don’t need to put on an act any more, but not doing anything to put space between us.

Lucian whistles, and Dante turns slightly. “That’s enough, Romeo, put her down.”

“No can do,” Dante says, turning his back on us. “I work directly for your father. His orders are that I make sure Miss Calloway remain safe and out of danger. I don’t want her tripping and breaking a bone, now do I?”

Lucian’s arm tenses around me momentarily before he turns to face me. “Is something going on between Farrah and Dante I should know about?”

I love how protective Lucian is being over her, because it shows how deeply he cares. “No. I think it’s just a case of a teenage crush.”

“Good, because if I so much as get wind of…” Lucian stops talking, his gaze travelling down to our joined hands.When did that even happen?He leans into me. “You know that nobody is watching us now.” I shrug, attempting to pull free, but his grip only tightens. “Whatever is happening between us, I would very much like it to continue.”

Tags: Laura Riley Billionaire Romance