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A blanket of silence falls around us. Father smiles, because he knows that he has our full attention. Smirking to himself, he walks back and forth. “A while back I requested you all put in an offer for the land at Hazelwood Farm.”

I sit tall, because it was my offer that was accepted by the farmer.

“Lucian has been fortunate enough to secure the option on the land. Now, what he does with that land I am curious to see.”

“That’s a fair point, Father,” I say, my mind wandering back to the boys in the hallway. “We aren’t children any more; we don’t have to play tug-of-war with the company.”

“What a beautiful analogy, Lucian,” Gage mocks, his palm over his heart. “Did you come up with that all by yourself?”

I raise my hands, not wanting to start an argument. “All I’m saying is, why don’t we leave it to fate and let the best man win?”

“Best man win!” Malachi taunts. “This is ridiculous.Iam the best man. Not only am I the oldest son, but I’m the hardest-working. Therefore, the property chain should naturally fall on my shoulders.”

Father shrugs. “You each have a month to gather evidence and present your case.”

“I can’t believe you’re even considering Lucian,” Malachi huffs. “The son who only a few days back bought a crummy shop for no other reason than the girl who rents the flat above.”

I clench my fists under the table. I knew I shouldn’t have confided in my brothers, but my tongue is loose when vast amounts of alcohol are consumed during our monthly poker nights.

Father’s gaze lands on me. “What building? What girl? Lucian, why am I always the last to know?”

I force a smile at the same time my mind goes blank. Buying myself precious seconds to think, I cross one leg over the other and rock my foot back and forth. And just like that the answer presents itself. “Yes, I purchased a business premises in Heller St Claire. My intention is to convert the shop downstairs into an estate agency, where we can showcase all of the Calloway catalogue.” A blatant lie, but a lie that nonetheless builds my case.

Father raises his chin. “Intuition, son, that’s what I like and what makes you the shining candidate for the property company. Malachi and Gage, you would do well to take a leaf out of Lucian’s book.”

“Father!” Malachi’s voice booms around the large room, but Father raises his hand.

“I have said everything that needs to be said. The rest is up to you. If you cannot come to an amicable decision amongst yourselves then we will continue this conversation one month from now. Edgar has brought with him three contracts. You are to read over the full terms and conditions before inking your signatures. I expect all documents signed and returned to me within the hour.”

Edgar stands, separating the stack of papers in front of him into three neatly-laid-out piles. Without another word Father leaves the room with his lawyer running to keep up with him.

Malachi’s eyes narrow. “You lying little bastard. You only bought those premises because of Chelsea.”

I clap him on the shoulder. “Perhaps. A girl who, thanks to you, I know doesn’t just want me for my money.”

Malachi leans in close. “Correction, little brother. A girl who doesn’t want you. Period.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Chelsea isn’t just the shiny new toy I’ve been trying to get my hands on. No, she’s more than that. So much more. Since the first day I laid eyes on her she’s dominated my thoughts, and for that reason I have watched her from afar. I need to see her flaws up close and personal so I can finally stop obsessing over her.

I place my hand on my chest as my phone begins to vibrate. Perfect timing. I pull the device from my jacket pocket and briefly make eye contact with my brothers.

“I’m really sorry, but I’m going to have to take this.” I hurry from the conference room and glance down at my phone. Josh is calling. I slide my finger across the screen.

“You better be dead or dying,” I say because Josh knows he isn’t to call me during a meeting unless it’s urgent.

“Burt has returned, and all hell has broken loose. You need to get back here. Now!”

Not an emergency, but my interest is sparked. Having seen Tyler’s temper first-hand, I can only imagine the fireworks going off inside that shop. But I don’t care about the shop or its contents. There is only one thing in that building that is worth my consideration. “Where’s Chelsea?”

“She’s in the staff room with the staff, why?”

“Good. I have a few things that require my attention here, but it shouldn’t take long. No one leaves until I get back.”

The line goes quiet for a beat. “How am I meant to do that? Lock them in?”

I laugh and re-enter the conference room. “See how easily you answered your own question.”

Tags: Laura Riley Billionaire Romance