Page 1 of Their Domme

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“Please!” The woman’s voice cracked. Tears ran down her cheeks, smearing her makeup and the blood on her face. “Please, just kill me.”

“Kill you?” I asked her softly, a smile tugging at my lips as she flinched away from the hand that caressed her cheek. “I just got you. I thought you were made of sterner stuff, Nicholette.”

Tears fell down her face. “Nicholette? I’m not—”

With a roar, I punched her, savoring her screams and sobs before I grabbed her throat, shaking her roughly. “You fucking ruined it! You stupid fucking whore. I don’t know why I bother anymore with you bitches. Fucking worthless, the lot of you.”

“Please, please—” she rasped, eyes closed as if that would make me disappear.

These women were all pathetic, nothing like my Nic. A few hits, and they were begging for it to be over. Saying they would tell me whatever I wanted, do anything I wanted… Nicholette would be cursing me, laughing and asking if that was all I had. Her blue-green eyes would sparkle with contempt and hate as I made her beg, made her come. Oh, it would be beautiful, not this whining, sobbingtrashthat was before me now.

A shudder passed through my body as the image of Nicholette being the one here with me made my dick harden. Licking my lips, I let go of the woman, ignoring her weak thanks and crying. Soon enough, she would figure out there was no escape for her.

My Nic should be here right now.

But she had decided to prolong our games instead. I’d been playing cat and mouse with her for too long. I needed her, and I needed hernow. The only solace I had was that she wasn’t with herguys, as she called them. Watching the bigger one, Vas, lose it when he discovered all her things were gone was priceless. I replayed it for days, his rage and pain making me come in seconds. They had scrambled to her old apartment and found my little present for them.

The sooner those assholes stopped making waves in Ashview, the sooner I would be able to find my woman. Nicholette disappeared a month ago, and they had put the city on fucking lockdown, searching and connecting with every person to find her. Any owed favors were called in, each of them digging down into the depths of their criminal ties to search for any lead. The bodies were piling up, and eventually, the authorities were going to notice a difference in the criminal underbelly of the city.

I was watching their every move; every update they got, so did I. It was the perfect part of my plan, and the best part was they had no fucking clue. Soon, I’d have her with me.

Reaching down, I pushed my pants down just enough to free my cock. Rubbing my hand slowly up and down my length, I approached my victim. Her eyes widened with fear, but that just made it all the more sweet when I slammed into her. She was tight, and her body tried to clamp down, almost like it could fight me off, keep me from claiming what was owed to me, but she didn’t stand a chance. Pushing through her resistance, I brutally fucked her until l felt wetness easing my way. There was something about the slickness that told me I’d caused some kind of bleeding, and I began thrusting into her with renewed strength. It was different once blood was involved, so much slicker, easier, her body’s way of fully giving itself over to me in a surrender that I, of course, had no choice but to revel in.

Screams gave way to pitiful cries, creating cracks in the almost zen-like state I’d found myself in. Why couldn’t this bitch just let me enjoy a single moment? Was that too much to fucking ask? I grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed her in the stomach. The metal table she was strapped to became wet with bright red blood, and begging filled the air. I smirked down at her, stabbing her over and over again until she finally stopped making noise.

Tossing the bloody knife onto the ground, I continued to fuck her, enjoying her limp body as my blood-covered cock slid in and out of her, that natural lubricant turning every motion into a smooth, powerful glide. Her glassy eyes stared up at the ceiling, and I studied the blankness in them until a faint gagging sound drew my attention.

I gave my audience a fierce growl. “You better get a stronger stomach, Thomas. This is nothing compared to what I’ve done before. Besides, I could be fuckingyouinstead.”

The young teen hid his face, or at least he tried to hide. He was currently tied up in the corner of my work room, so it wasn’t like he had many options in the way of shielding his face. He was clean, freshly showered, because I couldn’t stand the smell of him anymore. And while I had threatened to fuck him, I wouldn’t do it unless he pissed me the fuck off… or Nicholette did. Kids weren’t my thing, no matter my involvement with the trafficking ring. I was in it for the money, and there was a lot of money to be had in this business.

But Thomas… He was part of something personal, so I’d make an exception if necessary. Nicholette liked her men rough. Well, I’d prove to her that there was no one like me. Our reunion would be something she would never forget. I threw my head back, cursing Nicholette’s name as I came into the still-warm corpse.

Come out, come out, wherever you are, Nicholette.

I’ll find you soon enough.



Blood splattered along the tiled wall as the echoes of a gunshot rang in my ears. Vas must have tired of me asking the guy the same questions. In all the time we’d been looking for information, we’d gotten no answers, just more questions, and no sign of Nicholette anywhere. The others remained silent as I adjusted my grip on the bat in my hand, swinging it to hit the dead man over and over again once my anger and pain took over. I needed a release, an outlet, some way to get all these emotions out of me since Nic had disappeared.

Vas was back to being his usual quiet, calm self, but my anger had returned with a vengeance. Oliver and Bodhi had found some comfort in each other, but Oliver was struggling more than usual now that he had told us about his past, or what he remembered of it. We had all worked well together before Nic eased herself in through the cracks in our walls, but now… It felt like our lives had a distinct line down the middle—before Nic and after Nic. Unlike the aftermath of our breakup with Ava, we were not recovering.At all.

“Sacha!” Vas called my name harshly, pulling me out of my thoughts. I stumbled back after he shoved me, glaring up at him, but he just yanked the bat out of my hand. “There’s nothing left of him, brother. Go clean up before we have to scrape his fucking brains off the ceiling of the warehouse.”

I snarled at him in frustration, but Vas met it with a bland look of his own, his muscles tensing as if he was ready to fight me. Oliver and Bodhi smartly said nothing as I grumbled, stalking out of the torture area and heading toward the showers. I could see Nic around every fucking corner, my life haunted by the woman who had stormed into our lives and stolen our hearts with wild abandon.

This damn warehouse, the apartment, my bedroom… All of it seemed so fucking empty without her mischievous smile or her smartass comments. The hint of vanilla and coffee had long faded from my bed sheets, which made me hate sleeping since I felt her absence more at night. Now, there was nothing but my thoughts to keep me company. The feel of her skin against mine, the way she deferred to me like she did with no one else, her easy acceptance of all of us and our broken pieces… Everything we had shared crossed my mind, making me hate and mourn andloveher a little more in equal measure. Every part of me ached for her, and there was no sign of her.

She had fucking left us.

Fuck, I need to get my head in the game.Losing myself in thinking about her being gone wasn’t going to get her back any faster. Ripping the door open with way more force than necessary, I immediately started stripping out of my clothes, just now noticing the blood and meaty bits all over my suit. With a curse, I tossed the clothes onto the floor, knowing I’d have to throw it all away.

Tags: Suki Williams Erotic