Page 86 of Dark Stranger

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“That’s utter crap,” Crawford hissed.

“Is it?” I took a sip of wine, tipping the glass after swallowing. “Very nice. I’m certain it goes well with your steak.”

“If this is some ridiculous attempt at keeping me from nailing your ass, then you’re dead wrong!” The fact that Crawford smashed his fist on the table, his voice rising by several decibels was a clear indication I was right.

“What I’m expecting is for you to drop the ridiculous case you have on your desk regarding the recent raids. I also expect you to call off the wet-behind-the-ears federal agents. And most important, I expect you to tell me the new location you provided to Mr. Bradford as he and I have some unfinished business.”

Crawford made the mistake of laughing. “You must be mad.”

“I’m many things, Crawford, but mad isn’t one of them. Enraged is something else.” The new kid was eating this up.

The prosecutor returned his attention to his plate. “I have no intention of providing any assistance to feed your insanity. However, I do plan on burying you and your entire family.”

I took another sip, sighing before reaching into my jacket pocket, removing a single envelope. Had I known Winston would be here, I would have prepared a second. As I slid it toward Crawford, he gave me a venomous look.

“What the fuck is this?” he demanded.

“This is photographic proof of the extracurricular activities that you’re involved in.” I waited until he opened the envelope, peering inside. Almost immediately he paled, sucking in his breath. The fact he enjoyed submitting to very powerful male Doms at a local gay BDSM club mattered given the fact he was married to one of the senator’s daughters.

“You son of a bitch. Where did you get these?” he asked, the sound almost muffled.

“I have my sources like you have yours. And Judge, just so you don’t feel left out. I’m well aware of your gambling habit, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. I would assume at minimum you’d be forced to recuse yourself from prosecuting any cases involving illegal gambling.” I didn’t need to push it any further at this point. They knew exactly what I could and would do.

“What do you want?” Crawford asked as he shoved the envelope into his jacket.

“I already told you.” I pulled a business card from my pocket, sliding it in his direction. “I’ll give you forty-eight hours to contact me with the information I requested and documentation to show the cases were dropped.” I rose from the table, winking at the kid who sat flabbergasted. “Enjoy your lunch, gentlemen. Don’t forget you can grab some Tums from the men’s lounge in case you get heartburn from tasting so much blood.”

As I walked out of the restaurant, I had total confidence that I would hear from Crawford. As far as his dirty little secret? I’d hold onto that for several years to come.

* * *


Two days later


I’d always thought my parents had found the kind of fairytale so many little girls dream about and that my father had been her Prince Charming. She’d told me only after I’d turned twenty-one and over drinks that she’d hated my father in the beginning. She’d thought he was an arrogant bastard with a love of only himself and a mirror. It had taken my father three full years to break her down, finally getting her to say yes to coffee. Nothing more. However, over a strong hazelnut brew she’d known he was the one. She’d even mentioned the word ‘swooning’ more than once.

As I stood in front of the mirror inside the small rectory I’d been allowed to use until the guests arrived, I realized I’d fallen hard for Alessandro over our phone calls, even though I’d refused to admit it given it seemed nuts. And now?

He’d tried to apologize in his own way, leaving me a single daisy on my pillow. At least he knew how much I hated roses. I’d been hurt he’d assumed I was working with Tristen, which was ridiculous.

At least I knew where I stood with Alessandro.

Why did I want more even now?

Tingles drifted all the way down to my toes as I thought about the power of the way he looked at me with his dark eyes, the intensity never failing to completely undo me. With every touch of his hand I quivered, melting from the sound of his deep baritone. I brushed my hand down my neck. The spot where he’d marked me remained tender.

However, he also continued to irritate me, driving me insane with his hardheadedness and refusal to accept that life wasn’t about revenge and extreme wealth. Just like my mother had told me, no marriage was perfect.

“This is in name only. Remember?” My voice echoed in the gorgeous facility, the gothic design of the church another reminder that entering into a marriage was supposed to be holy. I rolled my eyes at the thought. Alessandro believed he might burst into flames from walking inside the cathedral. I knew better. Buried under the scarred layers was a man with a huge heart.

Yet I couldn’t seem to draw it out of him for longer than a few hours, a day at most.

Exhaling, I took a deep breath as I stepped back, gazing as far down as the size of the mirror would allow.

The dress was exquisite, thousands of hand-sewn beads and jewels bedazzling the bodice and long train. Yet I felt like a fake and nothing more. What if I was condemning Tristen? What if my actions alone would get him killed? I had made a deal. I’d wanted the truth. I prayed to God it wouldn’t destroy anyone else that I cared about. Had he really tried to kill me? There were so many questions that remained in my mind, but the worst one had an answer. I’ve been intimate with someone I didn’t even know, a man capable of killing.

Tags: Piper Stone Romance