Page 75 of Dark Stranger

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“You know me too well,mi dulce gatita.”

“I think I do.”

“Hmmm… I guess we shall see. I have something for you. If this isn’t what you like, we can exchange it, but it’s necessary for the pictures.”

I watched as Alessandro pulled a small velvet box from his jacket, his face as pensive as he’d commented that mine had been. I’d always wondered how I’d feel when and if a man asked me to marry him. With Tristen, nothing was traditional. He’d merely said the words over a margarita. “I think it would be a good idea if we got married.” That had been it. There’d been no ring, at least at first. He’d waited until I said something to the effect of ‘okay’ then asked for menus.

And I’d thought nothing of it.

Until now.

I’d pictured the moment a man popped the question in my head, the breathtaking few seconds that would turn into a lifetime. In my mind, there would be the soft strains of guitar music in the background, a bottle of champagne already cracked open. The fire resonating between us would be electric and when he touched me, brushing his fingers down my arm before lifting my hand, flames would singe my skin.

What I hadn’t imagined was accepting a huge diamond from a man I barely knew for an unscrupulous reason that I’d agreed to. I stared at the diamond encased in rubies and fought the tears already forming in my eyes. No, this was no fairytale, but the moment of falling into a dark abyss. And even though I’d sold my soul to the devil, I tingled all over. What kind of person did that make me?

“My birthstone,” I whispered for no other reason than I didn’t know what to say or how to react.


“Yes. I was born on July twenty-third. That’s why I’m a rebellious kitten. A true Leo.”

When he didn’t respond, I lifted my head, searching his eyes. If I didn’t know better, I’d say they were misted from emotion. That wasn’t him. A soulless man could only feel one thing.


As he removed the ring, I automatically held out my hand. I’d pretend to be madly in love, our passion delicate strands of gold continuing to grow, weaving a complex pattern around both our bodies, making us one. I’d smile for the cameras, my eyes as light as the brightest stars, beaming with the joy of our coupling.

But as he slipped the ring onto my finger, something magical happened I wasn’t expecting.

Fire and ice turned into intense electricity soaring through every cell and muscle, stealing my breath.

Was this just pretend?

He pulled away, taking me by the hand just as Matteo walked into the room.

“Anytime you’re ready, boss.”

I threw Matteo a look, noticing the glint in his eyes. It would seem that Alessandro’s Capo was thrilled that his boss appeared happy. I only hoped it wasn’t short lived.

“We are ready.” Alessandro led me outside and into the back of the SUV, a driver already in position.

Alessandro and Matteo spoke for a full minute before climbing inside. Both were carrying weapons, as they had been since our arrival. While the short meeting with the FBI agents had been unnerving, at least to me, Alessandro couldn’t have cared less about their subtle inquisition.

“Where are we going?” I asked after a few minutes had passed.

“Money has its benefits,” Alessandro answered.

I shook my head, uncertain of what to say to him. He’d promised a lovely evening while I’d continued to fret, realizing I hadn’t told Clarice or Dierdre about my upcoming nuptials. I’d been allowed to speak to a wedding planner; the surreal moment had created several waves of nausea. I’d been escorted to a bridal shop, told to select whatever dress I wanted with no concern about the cost.

At this point, I couldn’t remember what I’d selected, and I reminded myself that it was all just a game. There would be guests at the event, maybe two hundred people I didn’t know, and I was supposed to pretend I was happy about spending the rest of my life with him. The flurry of butterflies in my stomach was further affirmation I wasn’t entirely certain how I felt.

Several minutes passed and I knew we were headed into the city. When I finally tilted my head, studying the man who infused every night with delicious moments of passion, I shivered. His jaw was set, his eyes staring blankly at nothing, but I could tell his mind was processing how he wanted the game to proceed.

Seconds later, he surprised me by pulling me into his lap. The move felt oddly protective, yet strangely too possessive for me to handle on this night. I tried to push away but he grabbed me around the waist, preventing me from slipping off.

“Let me go, Alessandro.” I pushed my palms against his chest.

“You know I can never do that.” He stroked the side of my face with the tip of his index finger, swirling in aimless circles as he shifted his gaze once more outside the glass. “You are far too special to allow to slip away.”

Tags: Piper Stone Romance