Page 70 of Dark Stranger

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Matteo seemed as surprised by his reaction as I was, his eyes opening wide. “Yes, boss.”

“The FBI?”

“Yes, Sierra. There was a raid on several of my businesses while I was spending time with something much more important.” His eyes bore the darkness of his soul while the gold flecks around his irises glistened in the stream of sunlight coming in through the window. “You need to stay here.”

He wasn’t ready to show me off to the world. I still couldn’t understand how he could live his life this way.

“A raid. As in they’re looking for a reason to throw you back into prison. Doesn’t that bother you?”

“You’re very perceptive, but at this point I’m not concerned. Granted, that’s exactly what they’re doing, hoping to toss me in prison and lose the key. However, my brother handled the issue by protecting the ownership of several important businesses. In other words, the Feds are fishing. Or they’re here because Tristen provided them with additional information that he acquired before his… death. The truth is, it’s a crap shoot as to which is the case.”

He was having far too much fun with this. I shouldn’t be surprised by anything he did any longer. “You really believe they have an arrest warrant?”

“Possibly. I wouldn’t put anything past them, but I honestly believe they are searching for answers.”

“You’re playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette.”

“What would life be without some dangerous risks? It would seem you’re worried,gatita.”

I shook my head. “I’m… concerned for you. You’re playing with fire, Alessandro. The revenge you seek might destroy everything you’ve built, what your family has built over the years. Is it really worth it?”

“Is that the truth, Sierra? You agreed to what you call a ‘deal with the devil’ because you require truth. Is it worth losing six months of your life or your business?”

I looked away, uncertain how to answer his question.

“That’s something you should have asked yourself before you agreed. My world is all about calculating the risks I mentioned. One day I will crash and burn, but not today. That much I can promise you.” He took long strides toward the door and I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

He stopped short, twisting his head until he was able to see me. “If I didn’t know better, my kitten, I’d say you cared about me. Be careful that you don’t get burned in the process.”

As he walked out, I realized I wasn’t worried about losing six months and I knew the business would survive if necessary. What I was worried about was losing my heart.

* * *


The two men who remained standing outside on the patio were young enough that I sensed they were either hoping for an impressive collar or the Feds were only yanking my chain. Either way, I remained amused given the way they studied me as I approached.

“Gentlemen. To what do I owe this pleasure?” I asked as I glanced from one to the other. I’d always found it amusing that I could tell an agent a hundred yards away.

“I’m Agent Sykes, and this is Agent Walker. We’re here to ask you a few questions regarding incidents that occurred in several of your businesses.”

“And what would that be?” I asked.

“Illegal gambling,” Agent Walker stated then looked me in the eyes.

I didn’t flinch. There was no reason to. “While I read about the raids on the internet, none of those businesses are operated by any Montenegro corporation, but I’m certain you already know that.”

One looked at the other. “I don’t think you understand the severity of the situation.”

All I could do was laugh. “I think you’re fishing, gentlemen, and while I understand your need to rid the world of men and women who enjoy betting on childish games, you’ve come to the wrong place for either assistance or advice. The companies my family handles are all reputable business establishments. Now, if you have further questions, feel free to contact my attorney. I’ll be happy to provide his name, although I’m also fairly certain you have dossiers on my entire family, my friends, my employees as well as my family. Don’t you, boys?”

For as young as Agent Sykes appeared to be, he was bold in his determination to help bring down a horrible man, approaching without fear in his eyes. “Mr. Montenegro. We’re aware of the fact that you left the state without express permission of your parole officer, thereby breaking the terms of agreement for your release. Under the circumstances and given your lack of cooperation, we will have to report this to the proper authorities.”

“Is there a problem?” Sierra asked as she slipped by my side. The woman never ceased to surprise me.

“And you are?” Sykes asked, immediately bristling.

Tags: Piper Stone Romance