Page 66 of Dark Stranger

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“I’m going to offer you a reprieve, Joseph. I’m going to allow you to live.”

Joseph stared at me with unbelieving eyes. “Why?”

I took my time answering, walking closer until I made him uncomfortable, one eye twitching. “Because you’re going to follow a single order. Failure to do so will result in your… termination.”

The stench of sweat and piss assaulted my senses. While I usually enjoyed this aspect of my job, on a beautiful, crystal-clear morning the odor repulsed me. I preferred the sweet scent of flowers and vanilla, which was exactly the aroma consistently floating into my nostrils every time I was in Sierra’s presence.

When he didn’t answer right away, Butch swung a pipe against his stomach, Joseph doubling over from the intense agony.

“Enough! He deserves a minute to determine whether he’ll play by my rules or face the consequences.”

After a full minute of wheezing, Joseph managed to shift to his full height, panting hot breath into my face. “What… do you… want me to do?”

While he choked out the words, I could see at least a glimmer of sincerity in his eyes. “Find Tristen. Tell him that there isn’t a single rock he can crawl under where I won’t find him.”

There was no acceptance of his task or denial of Tristen’s state of existence, which I’d expected. When he didn’t respond appropriately, I wrapped my hand around the hair on the back of his head, jerking his neck into an awkward position.

“My patience is wearing thin, Joseph. I suggest you not cross me any further.”

“Fine,” he spit out, his eyes now full of anger and hatred.

As well as continued fear.

Satisfied I’d have no further issues with the man, I released my hold, watching as his head dropped into an uncomfortable position. Then I turned away, Cruz following me until we were out of hearing range.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“Tristen’s alive, holed up in some small town in Bumfuck USA.”

Cruz said nothing for a few seconds. Then he moved so he could look me in the eyes. “I think you’re right, brother, but this is a dangerous game to play. Our entire organization appears to be on a thin line.”

“You know how I enjoy taking risks.” I couldn’t help but grin.

“Yeah, I do. Just be careful it doesn’t get you killed or worse.”

“What could be worse?”

“Falling in love.” His expression was mischievous, a blatant attempt to discover my feelings for Sierra.

“That’s not going to happen.”

As Butch approached, a gleam in his eye, I knew what he wanted. Additional blood.

“What now, boss?” he asked. The man bordered on barbaric.

“Send him on his way with a parting gift. Shove him onto a first-class flight back to Florida.” Why not send him back in style, minus a couple of unneeded digits on one hand.

“You got it, boss.”

Cruz lifted an eyebrow, but his grin remained. “You are a brutal man.”

“Which has served me well. Can you handle cleaning up the trash?”

“One of the most enjoyable parts of my day.”

I glanced into his eyes, realizing I could no longer see the young boy who’d longed to live in Paris, creating sensual paintings of the world around him. For a brief few seconds, I missed the brother I’d once had, a kid with a kind heart and a deep, passionate soul.

I wondered what he’d be like today if his spirit hadn’t been crushed.

Tags: Piper Stone Romance