Page 63 of Dark Stranger

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There was unfinished business that needed to be handled. I’d also come to the conclusion that having my brother on my side was infinitely better than continuing the great divide in our family. If not, the pristine waters would soon become murky with bloodshed and grime. Word on the street was that the great Montenegro family had lost significant power, which made us ripe for further attempts to lay claim to our empire.

That couldn’t happen.

The Montenegro family owned dozens of businesses, some of them small additions to the portfolio that made little money. Many of the deeds were signed over due to unpaid loans and gambling debts. Several had provided interesting opportunities, including the building nestled on an acre of land, the front serving as a premier bakery. The building was large enough it provided ample prospects, including being used for several more grueling interrogation sessions. The thick cinderblock walls helped create a soundproof environment, even during the busiest times of day, customers coming and going.

The environment also reminded me of the basic cage I’d been shoved into four years before.

“The raid. How did it happen?” I asked the question with no adverse inflection. I was curious as to his thoughts.

“I’ll tell you exactly how it happened. A rat.”

I nodded, adjusting my sunglasses as I took another deep breath. “Undoubtedly. Any in particular?” I’d left Matteo with my soon-to-be bride, ensuring her safety as well as squelching any attempt at escape. While she’d made no attempt at getting away during our day of travel, nor had she continued her rebellious attitude, that didn’t mean she wasn’t planning her disappearance. The woman was clever, and I sensed she was hiding something from me.

Cruz half laughed as he lifted his hand, giving his Capo a hand signal. “Jordan. Bring me my prize. It would seem one of my men is the brother-in-law of a detective in New York’s finest.”

“You didn’t know this when you hired him?”

“The relationship is new, as of three months ago.”

I shook my head. “Meaning the raid was being planned for three months. I’m curious how the man was turned.”

“That’s what we’ll find out.” Cruz grinned as Jordan took long strides toward the back of the SUV, throwing open the hatch then dragging a bound, bloodied man onto the ground. Without hesitation, his Capo jerked the man across the pavement in our direction.

Butch snorted from behind me. He was eager to continue the daily maintenance on Tristen’s partner, which was the reason I’d asked Cruz to the secure location in the first place. It was time he understood the reason I’d been angry with him for not rounding up every asshole involved in my arrest. If Tristen had information and was indeed considering selling it to the highest bidder, then our empire would be fucked. Granted, I was uncertain how much data he’d collected, but given his access, there could be a power exchange within hours.

Tristen had called it my guillotine. An entire database of names of ugly, often criminal proclivities of members of government, Fortune 500 companies, celebrities, and politicians. It was the kind of information worth millions, but it wasn’t about money. Keeping the blade sharp was all about power and control.

As the rat was dumped at my feet, Cruz walked closer. There was no chance I could recognize the poor bastard given the effort used to prime him for the interrogation. My brother’s methods were as savage as mine.

“The fuck hasn’t admitted his guilt,” Cruz said before kicking the man over.

“What does it matter? The deed is done.”

“Yes, but a message needs to be sent.”

“Did you stop and think about the fact this brother-in-law will come after you?” Now I was reflecting recommendations made by Edwardo. I almost laughed at the thought.

“Not unless his body is found, and I assure you that it won’t be.” Cruz’s eyes twinkled as he gazed toward the rough ocean waters. “Get him inside,” he directed, slowly turning his head in my direction.

“Get everything ready,” I told Butch and Sam, not bothering to look in their direction. They knew what to do. They’d been with me for years just like Jordan had with Cruz. When we were finally alone, I continued contemplating what I would say to my brother. Family business was never easy, especially when we had played tug of war as often as we had.

He watched as the rat was dragged away, the man finally attempting to get out of his shackles. “We lost a significant amount of money.”

“Yes, so I heard. Have the operations been moved?”

“At this point, they remain shuttered, but my plans are to restart later this week.”

“Have the Feds been asking questions?”

“Dozens of them, but none of the businesses are in our name.”

This was something I hadn’t heard. “A new dummy corporation?”

He had a smirk on his face as he looked at me. “I’m no fool, Alessandro, no matter what you like to believe. I knew as soon as Edwardo told us about the possibility of your release that we’d become another target. You underestimated my business acumen as you always have.”

If he was looking for compliments, he wasn’t going to get them. I wasn’t in the mood. “They’re not finished yet, Cruz. They have plans to put me behind bars for a long time.” Perhaps I was testing his loyalty in my effort to weed out those capable of betrayal.

“You’re asking me if I had anything to do with your arrest.” His expression was almost unreadable. The young man who’d always worn his emotions on his sleeve had learned to hide his feelings. Good for him. That would help keep him alive.

Tags: Piper Stone Romance