Page 40 of Dark Stranger

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“Why are you doing this?” she asked again, as if the answer would be any different.

“Because you’re going to be the reason Tristen comes out into the open.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“I think you know that answer already.” As I took off my watch, placing it next to my Beretta, I sensed she was looking at me again, memorizing every move I made. I’d had the watch since I’d graduated, one of only a few pieces of jewelry I owned, the black onyx ring the only piece that never left my body.

Cruz had one just like, it, the ring a symbol of our family’s power, the thick obsidian jewel surrounded by rubies, which was the birthstone of my mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother in a twist of fate. Oddly enough, my captured kitten had been born in late July, which seemed to indicate I’d found the right woman to enter into a more permanent relationship with. It was bullshit, both the tradition and the unusual myth that had followed my family’s lineage for generations. No woman would ever be accepted into the family unless born in late July or early August.

I almost laughed given Cruz believed if one of us broke the tradition, it would bring bad luck to our entire family as well as to the organization itself. When I glanced in her direction after removing my shirt, I saw a new sense of fear in her eyes. While I wanted her frightened of me, at least for now, I had a feeling her concern was still wrapped around a man who’d obviously not loved her enough to trust her with who and what he really was.

At least she knew the man who was about to defile her in the most carnal ways. I never lied about who I was, appreciating when I put the fear of God into either man or woman. Why I was thinking that she was anything more than an end to fulfilling a long-awaited need was digging into my mind like a ragged, rusty knife.

Maybe stalking her hadn’t been in my best interest.

“I didn’t know him at all. Did I?” she asked quietly.

“No, you didn’t.” If she was waiting for an apology for the fact I’d destroyed whatever precious memories she had of him, hell would freeze over first.

I placed the phone next to my weapon, taking a deep breath. She’d undoubtedly try to escape. I would be curious as to how she made the attempt.

She sat up on the bed the moment I was fully undressed, staring at me, her eyes shimmering. Upon first glance, I thought they were tears, but almost instantly I realized the luminescent quality was from heightened lust.

Sierra took several shallow breaths, her gaze falling from my chest to my abs, then finally to my fully engorged cock, my swollen balls that begged for relief. She was fighting her wants, refusing to accept what her body continued to cry out for. The woman had no idea what she was doing to me. I’d broken far too many of the rules I’d imposed on myself, languishing in a game that had turned into something else altogether. I couldn’t put a finger on it, but at this point I wouldn’t be able to let her go.

However, it would take time to tame her, to reinforce rules and requirements. Could I take the time needed, provide the diligent training? My thoughts drifted briefly to what Cruz had mentioned. Weakness.

I couldn’t allow the burning desire to overwhelm me. Not for a second. If that happened, I could lose everything I’d worked so hard to achieve.

As soon as I advanced, she seemed to realize that she’d forgotten the other single command I’d given her, and she immediately lay down on the bed, jerking her arms over her head. Her breathing was as ragged as before, the slight tremor creating goosebumps along almost every inch of skin. As I crawled onto the comforter, she squeezed her hands around the bedding, twisting them back and forth.

“Now, I fuck you. First, your wet pussy. Then your tight little ass.”

“I will never obey you, not willingly,” she insisted, her body tensing again.

I took my time positioning myself between her legs, pressing the tip of my cock against her swollen folds, holding my body above hers as I peered down.

“Remember,mi dulce gatita, it’s your choice to make and it depends entirely on your willingness to obey me. Agony or ecstasy.” The sadistic hunger that had exploded from the moment she’d answered her phone took over, and I thrusted the entire length of my shaft inside. Although she mewed her disapproval, her pussy muscles clamped around the thick invasion immediately, pulling me deeper inside.

“Do what you want, Alessandro, but I’ll never surrender willingly.”

I pulled out, plunging into her again. When she arched her back, I took a deep breath. “You already are.”

Leaning down, I crushed my mouth over hers, immediately slipping my tongue inside. The taste of her was even sweeter than before, yanking on the darkest desires that I’d tried to keep locked away. Soon, she would shatter the box itself, allowing the beast to surface.

Then she’d learn that she’d soon be forced to make a deal with the devil.

Soon she would be begging for more, her hunger becoming insatiable until it was all she could think about.

Soon she would surrender in every way, body and soul, her dark needs consuming her thoughts.

Soon she would fully comprehend the power of a dangerous man.

And after that?

Only time would tell.


Tags: Piper Stone Romance