Page 33 of Dark Stranger

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“Don’t make a single move, Sierra. Not one. If you disobey me, you will be punished but worse, you’ll be hurt.”

“Why the hell do you care if I’m hurt or not? You kidnapped me.” I heard his movement, then was shocked as a door was swung wide open. The light filtering into the room was instantly blinding and I threw my arm across my eyes to block out some of the light. Wincing, I was able to see his silhouette, just like I’d done in the bedroom. Then I heard his feet crunching down on whatever I’d shattered seconds before he yanked me into his arms.

I reacted immediately, pummeling my fists against his chest, managing to give him a hard punch in the jaw as I struggled to get out of his arms.

“Stop. Now!” he commanded, his voice booming.

“Not a chance in hell.” I continued swinging, my eyes fully accustomed to the light. When I slipped out of his arms, tumbling to the floor, I quickly managed to get to my knees, prepared to scamper away.

He fisted my hair, giving a hard yank, pain smashing into my head as he dragged me to my feet.

Alessandro growled as he slipped his arm around my waist, pinning my back against his chest. As he lowered his head, the feel of his hot breath trickling across my skin created far too many goosebumps dancing down my arms. My God. The man was hard, his cock pressing into my buttocks. “You’re a very bad girl. We need to work on that.”

“To hell with you,” I hissed, fighting his strong hold although the anguish pounding in my head stole my breath.

He laughed, the vibration of his voice tickling my ear. “You’ll learn soon enough there is no escape. Not now. Not ever.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because it’s necessary.”

“Not good enough.”

“You’ll be told what I want you to learn when I decide you’re ready.”

While he wasn’t threatening me, he was in full control, acting as if he already owned me. My mind continued to search for answers, the combination of anger and fear adding to the exhaustion. I was becoming too weak to fight him. I wanted to convince myself I was disgusted just hearing my captor’s voice, but I wasn’t. The sound was just as captivating as before, pushing me into the same lull I’d experienced on the phone and in my bistro. The irony was repulsive, driving me into a frenzied state of mind.

Alessandro took a deep breath, his hold on my hair lightening. “That’s better,mi dulce gatita.”

“What the hell are you calling me?”

He nipped my earlobe, sending another shower of sickening desire into my bloodstream. “My sweet kitten. Why don’t you purr for me?”

“Why don’t you drop dead?”

The asshole was obviously amused at my continued defiance. He walked me down the hallway into a kitchen. I was surprised at the hominess, the room a pleasant difference from the prison he’d shoved me into. He yanked out one of the chairs from the table, turning it around to face the hallway. Then he sat me down, placing my arms at my sides, leaning over so I was forced to look into his eyes.

They were even more soulless than I’d imagined, a stark yet effective reminder he was a monster in disguise, using his good looks as a weapon.

And they’d worked. I’d been foolish to fall for his method of seduction.

My breathing remained scattered as he gripped my chin between his thumb and forefinger. “There are rules to follow while we get to know each other, Sierra. As long as you do, then you’ll begin to earn privileges. If you don’t, the punishment you receive is something you’ll remember for a long time. Do you understand me?”

I sucked in my breath, trying to maintain a somewhat rational state of mind. “Yes.”

“Good. I’m going to clean up the mess you created. You’re going to stay right here where I can see you. Then we’ll have a nice chat.”

He squeezed my chin for effect, the slice of discomfort a reminder that he was much bigger and stronger than I was. My God, the man was insanely gorgeous. Even now, my nipples hardened, aching for his touch. He held my gaze harshly for a few seconds, the darkness in his eyes startling.

It would be so easy to get lost in his eyes, to drown in the sexiness of the man as I had no doubt scores of other women had. But I wasn’t like other women. I had a backbone. When my reaction was to laugh, his eyes turned cold for several seconds.

After he backed away, I took a few seconds to glance around the room, hoping to find a weapon. There was nothing on the counter of use, no knife block or heavy kitchen utensil. Without being told where he’d taken me, I would have no way of knowing whether an attempt at escape was worth it or if I’d find anyone to help, but I had to risk it. Situations like this never ended without violence and bloodshed.

I watched as he gathered a broom and a dustpan, giving me another stern look before walking down the hall.

He’d changed clothes and was now wearing a tight pair of dark jeans and a matching ebony shirt. He appeared even more dangerous this way, commanding in every movement. I noticed how his jeans fit snugly against his buttocks, a split second of desire roaring through me. What was I thinking?

As soon as he walked into the darkened room, I scanned the area a second time, the doorway from the kitchen leading to what looked like an exterior door. I bit my lip to keep from making a single sound, craning my neck to see if he was looking at me. Whatever I’d broken was right next to the bedroom door, which kept him in eye contact range. Shit. This might be my only chance at attempting to get the hell away from him.

Tags: Piper Stone Romance