Page 16 of Dark Stranger

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I shook my head. If he was referring to the fact that there’d been three unfortunate incidents where useless convicts had dared try to follow through with their assassination attempts, then he continued to underestimate me. I’d handled the separate episodes as if I hadn’t been stuck behind bars.

All three of them bloody and final.

Perhaps it was time to see just how far Edwardo would hang himself to keep my father’s loyalty in his front pocket. The man was paid very well for his counsel, even more for the criminal work he’d handled over the years.

Maybe creating additional bad blood wasn’t in my best interest on day one, but as I’d been reminded more than once, I never played fair in life, business, war, or passion.

My brother had a posh condo in the heart of Manhattan, likening himself to a celebrity with the entourage that followed him everywhere. He was a playboy, enjoying the perks of affluence where I’d preferred and enjoyed the business and political aspects of growing our regime.

We were complete opposites, something our father had never failed to remind us of. It was his way of keeping the two of us in a blind competition, vying for power when we’d both known all along I’d take the helm after our father’s retirement. While I’d grown weary of the constant issues prior to my incarceration, I felt revitalized at the thought of rekindling our brutal battles.

“I’ll allow you to stay for the meeting, Edwardo, but I strongly suggest you remember your place,” I told him as Matteo pulled into the secure garage.

“Don’t threaten me, Alessandro. I was the only person who managed to keep you from enduring the full prison sentence handed down by the judge.”

If he believed his tenuous place in my existence held any merit, he would soon learn that any misstep would result in his termination.

And not just from his position within our organization.

There was nothing more to say at this point. I’d simply enjoy another aspect of the game while ensuring Cruz understood his time as kingpin was finished.

As I stepped out of the SUV, I gathered a stench of fried onions and garlic, the strong wafting scent another reminder how much I often loathed the city. I didn’t bother waiting to see if Edwardo was trailing behind me, heading toward the elevators. Whether or not Cruz was expecting me didn’t faze me in the least. My family had been told about my release and I had a feeling Cruz had watched the breaking news bulletins highlighting the vapid news reporters.

As expected, two of my brother’s soldiers stood guard by his penthouse door, the bruisers specifically hired for their brawn and strength. I gazed from one to the other before moving between them.

“I’m sorry, Alessandro, but Cruz doesn’t want to be bothered,” one of them dared to say to me. The asshole believed we were on a first-name basis? What the fuck had my brother turned our organization into, a brotherhood? Fuck that.

I didn’t hesitate to retrieve my weapon, pointing the barrel against his fat cheek. “And I give a shit why? The last time I checked, you were working for me. What’s your name?”

The asshole’s eyes opened wide. Fortunately, he had the good sense to show me fear in his eyes.

“Bruno,” he barked.

Fitting name.

“Well, Bruno. Maybe you need to be retrained. My name is Mr. Montenegro. I earned the respect given I’m your employer. I suggest you remember that we aren’t friends, we aren’t colleagues. You take orders and that’s your entire life’s goal. Understood?”

“Yes, sir,” he said through gritted teeth and moved away from the door.

Huffing, I shoved the weapon back in my pocket, glaring at the other soldier before placing my fingers around the door handle. The damn thing was unlocked. My brother always did like to play with fire.

When I walked inside, I shook my head. He was also the messiest son of a bitch I’d ever known. There was shit everywhere in the front room, including clothes. I walked toward one of the leather couches, huffing as I picked up a red lace bra. No wonder he didn’t want to be disturbed.

“Wait here,” I told the others, moving down the hallway toward his bedroom. As soon as I opened the door, I exhaled, the sound loud enough it drew the girl’s attention. She’d been riding him like a bucking bronco. Christ. It was already after noon in the middle of the week. What the hell was he doing playing with his flavor of the month during business hours?

“Fuck,” Cruz hissed as he pushed her to the side, throwing back the covers. “I thought you weren’t getting out until tomorrow.”

“Yeah. I’m sure you did. We need to talk. Get rid of her.”

My brother gave me a nasty look, yanking his trousers from the floor. “Same old shit, bro.”

“Uh-huh. Nothing ever changes.” I walked away, disgusted with the situation. As I returned to the living room, I noticed Edwardo had already helped himself to some of my brother’s liquor. That sounded like a good idea to me. It had been far too long since I’d had a tall glass of scotch. As I selected a bottle, I smirked. At least Cruz had good taste in libations.

I poured a glass, enjoying the silence as I walked toward the window overlooking the city. Then I swirled the liquid, taking a deep whiff before tipping back the drink. There was something so enjoyable about savoring the first few drops of an aged scotch or the first taste of a woman’s pussy. I’d longed for both. Now I would have everything I craved.

While waiting, I shifted my thoughts to the last phone call with Sierra. The sound of her voice had kept my cock at full attention for almost an hour after ending the conversation. She had that kind of effect on me, which added fuel to my depraved needs. The moment I thrust my tongue inside her tight channel would be the perfect day.


Tags: Piper Stone Romance